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5 months w/o him and still feel as if it happenned yesterday

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i am still soooo sad!! I just cant find myself to get over him...i mean why the hell doesnt this needy feeling for him go away!!! He called me today to wish me a happy Mothers Day ( he didnt call me for any other holiday..xmas..b-day...) I guess things are a lil less on the edge for him since he moved on so its easier for him...who knows.... I said thank you and when i got off i cryed!!! I hated it!!! He then says that he will call me later...yeah o kay he always says that ....why???I have no clue cuz he nver calls!!!!!! Its just such a pathetic situation that i wish i had the strength to move on...he has!!! anyway...i just wanted to vent...if anyone has any comments or advise or has been in my shoes they are greatly appreciated! Have a good night everyone!

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aww hunn i know how it is. its like you think you're making progress and then something ahppens and you're back to square one. you know what there is no quick fix. the only thing is that you continue iwth your life and try to get your mind off it. and nc is the best thing to help you move on. these days will always be there, just try and not think that you're NOT OVER HIM AT ALL. its baby steps.

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Hey man, this stuff is hard. 5 months isnt really a long time anyway. Try your best and youll get healed. Dont feel pressured to be healed when you arent. At 5 months i would still cry


Youll get it man, just hang tough and be patient with yourself.

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