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Can’t get out of my own head to enjoy this new potential relationship.


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He seems like a very relationship driven person... So that's a plus in my eyes as opposed so someone who does flings.


The way he was before you met was concerning.


But since meeting and then having sex. He is still about! Your classic guy who uses these apps for just sex would have walked away by now. So again a very positive thing.


It is still early days for you being out of your previous relationship. So just try and enjoy it. Stay cautious as you have been. But I guess just enjoy the ride for now.

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There are pros and cons to this guy!


Pros is that he’s still devoted to you after having sex. That he really wants a relationship and is excited about you.


Cons is that he said he loves you way too fast and that your the one for him and already you two are boyfriend and girlfriend! Although those are only cons by standard ideals and normal ways of dating.


The biggest Con: How you feel about all of this. If it feels right it won’t matter if he is a genuine Romeo who rushes or takes his time.

Listen to your gut! If something is off it’s probably most of the time right!

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Maybe he's been watching too many Lifetime movies and thinks this is how he's supposed to act to "get" the girl.


I'm being serious, I actually watched a couple of these movies this week and this is how the two guys in each movie acted.


They ended up getting the girl.


But yeah, it would be considered a form of lovebombing, but perhaps in some cases it's sincere.


If it's too fast for you, talk with him about slowing things down a bit. I did that with my ex, he did slow it down and we dated six years.


Some guys do fall in love really fast, but in any event keep eyes and ears open and continue observing.


Most importantly, try and relax, have fun and enjoy!


Isn't it nice having a man so into and devoted to you for a change?

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I’m sorry, this is going to be long. I recently joined a dating app, mostly because I was feeling depressed and insecure so my sister suggested I join a dating app. I got messages from several guys but nothing really stuck. There was one guy, he messaged me to tell me he thinks we have a lot in common. I decided, sure I’ll respond. I don’t know why I did, he didn’t seem much of my type. But we started to build a connection. I went into this not looking to gain anything. After 3 weeks of talking every single day. (He’d call me every day during my work commute to make sure I didn’t fall asleep). He confessed to me that he’s sure he’s found the one. He convinced me to go on a date with him. He was super sweet during our date, he leaned in and kissed me. This whole time I’m feeling really happy. We saw each other 3 or 4 times the following week. He’s told me that he’s in love with me and really wants this to develops into a relationship. I’m conflicted, because I feel a lot of feelings and connection for him. But I know it’s moving way too fast. In my head I keep thinking he’s a player and just wants sex. One night I couldn’t get out of my own head, so I suggested we slept together. He asked if I was sure. I told him I had a question in my head that I want an answer to. (The question was, does he want sex Or is he really sincere?) after we slept together, to my surprise he’s still around. He still tells me he loves me. Still calls me every night. I can’t seem to get myself to believe that he is in this. I can’t get myself to feel like I deserve something good. I keep waiting for him to show me that he’s lying and is just messing with my head. I don’t know how to just relax and watch this unfold. He’s asked me to be his girlfriend. And on the surface I tell him I would but deep down I don’t know if it’s real. I keep waiting for him to redact it. I’ve been hurt so much that I can’t seem to believe anything nice that he says. I’m afraid that I’m going to ruin this relationship before it becomes anything.


I think there is a tragic flaw in your logic. You concluded that if someone goes too fast it's because they just want sex. The reality is, there is lots of reasons why people go too fast. So know you're potentially stuck with an incorrect understanding of your situation.


If he is going too fast, and I believe he is, don't try to figure out why. Just see it as inappropriate and avoid it.

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