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I'm not sure if anyone will really care, but it's my time to go... I just came to this sight and saw that I could post this and I am...I don't think theres anything for me out there anymore and I should just go with out hurting anyone...Who would even care so whats the fricken point... None of you care, my friends probably won't , who will?... The anwser is no one.I feel like it's my time and I need to go. Every day is just another day of carelessness. Being depressed and just being sad... I can't stand being here any more so, this is the best option, to kill my self.. Maybe I'll be happier dead... The day's of crawling out of my bed every morning is not worth the effort.. And it's just time for the final goodbye to the world.. Maybe one day people will realize why I did it.. because there isn't one thing good for me, and theres nothing worth my fricken while to live for so... as I said before I shall say my final goodbye.

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I do care. I'm wondering what you are living that disapoints you so much. I wish you alive one more moment to explain me. I wish I'd die for you to survive if I had the choice to either let one of us live. Tell me, please.

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hey listen your only 14 how do you know there is nothing left out there???and how do you know this wont get better? i know things some as though they wont get better but you see sweetie i bet there are people who will miss you.I bet your parents will no matter how mean and uncaring they may seem they will get better. You see i hated my parents and i still do now only sometimes and sometimes i do think there is nothing left But things have there high and low and i realized that when you commit suicide your only running away from your promblems and when your gone you can't fix them. but what happens when you are gone and you realize they really do miss you and you cant come back and make them feel better.

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Yes I am only 14 yrs old, and I have made up my mind. Next year it will probably just get worse when I start High School. You want to know why I feel this way is because if everyday when you wake up and theres nothing to look forward too, nothing to make you want to do anything. You just want to lye there and be sad as always. But I don't want to be sad, I don't want to be here this place is what makes me sad. Look around and all you see is hatred , who wants to get caught in that not me. I'm gonna die at sometime why don't I just let it happen now. Yeah , some people will be sad but soon they will get over it.


Thanx though

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Man, when I was 14 the same damn thing happened to me! I'm 44 now.

Each day sucked like maybe only you might know.


There would be those times during the day when you're just in this trap and it gets worse.


That was the most horrible time of my life.


I just waited and waited and it didn't seem fair that this was happening to me. Why was this happening to me? I didn't do anything. I'm a F***ing kid for goodness sake.


God it hurts just to write this.


It's just that I waited and that feeling went away. I've had such cool experiences since leaving the place you're in right now. I will look back from time to time and think, "I made it through that . No one I know went through that, but I know what's important in life because of that."


If you look in the yellow pages there might be a suicide hotline where they'll talk to you for as long as you want I think.


Look...my email is -----. Email me and I'll give you my phone number.

I'm not a psychologist, but I'm an alright person.

Now I'm thinking, "14 year olds calling strangers on the internet?"

Prob not a good idea.


Look in the yellow pages please. For me.


I decided to delete my email after reading this post, but you just hang in there buddy. I feel like I'm writing this to myself when I was young.

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Yeah , some people will be sad but soon they will get over it.


Then you would have no way to get over it ?

I think that yes, unless we find nothing you can look forward to. There is something tough; nobody knows everything about life thereforeeee there are infinite things we can look forward. What is required when climbing is some gear. Seems like your are not equiped, for now. I really intend to find out something with you.


How are your days scheduled ?

What education are you aiming at ?

Are you attracted to find out things you don't know the answer ?


When are you free and how can I can contact you ?

I am interested.

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hey you are only 14.. everyone at this age feels depressed. Next year u will go to high school, look forward to that - to meeting new people, making friends, maybe having a bf, learning new things. You sound like you dont like your place, but its not the reason to die, try to take yourself in your hands and do things (school then work) to be able to move away in the future, try living, there will always be time to die

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Please, I'm sure you don't even have a legit reason TO commit suicide. My dad hits me, my mom doesn't even claim me. Both did drugs when they were younger, but I have God, and I get by day to day just fine. Look to God for answers. He won't make a mountain that you can't climb.

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You're just young.

It's like a roler coaster,one day you're up (felling like your the happies girl in the world) one day you're down (you thing that life is a b*tch and all that) but sometimes it's more than one day....I fell like commiting a suicide(I'm 16 btw) because i broke up with my girlfriend 3 and a half weeks ago and realicied that i trully love her and can't live without her,other then that i have problems at home,but i dont do it cause i know that i have the whole life in front of me,so many things to expirience.

"Time heals everything" - Some dead guy...

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How are your days scheduled ?

What education are you aiming at ?

Are you attracted to find out things you don't know the answer ?



Everyday I wake up, go to school, go to practice, come home , go to sleep.....same old thing over ana over agian.. I don't know where i'm aiming in my education.I maintain my grades and act normal during the day, but as i watch over what I'm doing deep down I hate it and it makes me misreble. Everything is misreble. The resrt of my life is misreble I don't really understand the last question though.


What else is there for me? I can live each day being missrable but whats the point..

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Let's forget about my last question. It is indirectly answered.

There is pressure somewhere that makes you keep that precise track that is continuous, correct ? If yes, then it is part of interest. However, it is not conceived joyfully. In the end, this becomes pain as it is repeated nonstop.

If something is incorrect in this affirmation, tell me what and how is it different.

Who might be willing to help you out in your social environment ? Anybody can be good except people you can't communicate with as often as daily.

As I told you, I am motivated to find out a solution with you.

Feel free to send me private messages at your will.

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Life gets SOOOOO Much better as you get older. I promise it will. When I was your age life sucked for me too. I had NO friends. My family relations were not positive. I wasn't good at school. I thought I was ugly. I got beaten up regulary. People went around saying that I was gay. But life gets so much better. NOw I have lots of friends, I have been able to meet lots of cute girls, travel, get an education, get a career. Life gets better. Checking out now will mean you will miss out on so much more of your life. You will never get married. You will never have children...imagine your children who will never have a chance to breath the air of this world if you choose to check out now. Imagine your wedding day....and wedding night....and everyday after that...life gets better to stick it out. THere are lots of friends here, so if you need to talk feel free to do so....


take care!!!!

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I know what being 14 and suicidal feels like. People tell you that it passes but they never tell you how it passes. They never tell you where to find meaning and they never tell you how they got through it. I don't want to sound like the people that told me that (because I really hated it), but there has to be something that you like doing in your life. If there isn't anything in your life find something. Whether it be writing or a sport or walking outside under the stars. Find something small and build on it. I know that sounds corny, but there has to be something for you.. even if it is just you.


Don't ever think that everyone will get over it if you killed yourself. I know a lot of people think that the people that care about them will get over it really quickly because they 'don't care'. My best friend committed suicide a year and a half ago, and I'm not okay. People aren't okay when someone as young as you dies. Someone in your life cares about you, and if they don't you've got people on this post who now do care if you die.


If you want to talk messege me. Keep yourself around, it'll be worth it in the end. I promise.

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When you break your leg or get the flu its a tangible thing. It hurts like hell but you don't think "I'm going to kill myself becuase the pain will never end" and do you know why? Because you know the pain will end. Because people tell you this and you have seen it happen to other people.


The brain is a complex and delicate thing. It stands to reason that it can get sick too. But people don't talk about that so much. So when your mind brings you pain you don't know anything about it and you think that it will last forever. That's not true. The pain that comes from your mind can get better too.


One of the things that effects the brain is puberty. The hormone spurt that makes you have growing pains in your legs makes you have growing pains in your head too. But they pass.


On a realistic level puberty is a time of adjustment, as you move from childhood to adulthood. You have yet to acquire the wisdom and privileges that adulthood brings though you want them. It can be very frustrating. Most people feel that. I found my teenage years very hard and in my dark moments I dreamed of ending it. I wrote it in my journal. there seemed no joy in my life and no future either. I felt, ugly fat and hopeless and friendless. But I was wrong.

If I had given up on life so easily I would have missed so much. When I was 23 I made my best friend. I have made other friends since. Great friends.

I was a late bloomer in the looks department too. So when I began to turn heads at 30 all those high school beauties were way past their prime and now those guys who wouldn't look at me in college were asking me out. But I said no, because they were a vacous lot not to appreciate me before then.

I have travelled the globe with the money I've earned. I have had some great times. But to get to all this you have to go through puberty.

You are not alone. Most people go through bad patches in their lives. Maybe there is someone in your class having the same thoughts as you. Thinking that nobody cares and wouldn't miss them if they left. Do you care about them?

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Things will get better just hang in there. I've been in your place several times and I know how hard it can be. Everyone here cares for and helps eachother. Continue to come here when you can and let us know how things are going and anything that might bother you. Highschool can really change your life around. You have many new options open to you.

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