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he's Married!!!!!!

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hi guys.. i met a guy, and we got along great. We were dating i guess for about three months, but i just found out he's married. I asked if he was single, and he said yes. No ring, no shadow of a ring, no mention of a wife.. He's in the army, so he's away a fair bit.. now i realise he also had husband duties...


i'm not speaking to him anymore, but he keeps calling and begging me not to let go of what we had. can anyone tell me what to do? i'm trying to ignore him, but it's so hard. and i just want to ask him why? becausei feel used i guess..



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Ignore him. It was wrong of him to use you like that and you don't need to be putting yourself through the trama of being around him or hearing from him anymore. If you think you are strong enough to handle this I would talk to the wife, if you can. She deserves to know her husband is cheating on her. It would be hard but in the end it would be best for all parties involved.

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i'm not speaking to him anymore, but he keeps calling and begging me not to let go of what we had. can anyone tell me what to do? i'm trying to ignore him, but it's so hard. and i just want to ask him why? becausei feel used i guess..




Do exactly what you're doing, ignore him. He doesn't deserve to even hear from you. Change your number so that he can't call you anymore. I'm so sorry you have to deal with this...I know you want to confront him and ask him why but I think you know why he did this...because he was attracted to you and he was too selfish to think about his wife's feelings. He wanted to have both of you in life which would have been the best of both worlds for him.

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If you think you are strong enough to handle this I would talk to the wife, if you can. She deserves to know her husband is cheating on her. It would be hard but in the end it would be best for all parties involved.


If you have evidence of the affair and you know the wife's contact info, I suppose this is possible...but it could also backfire on you if she doesn't believe you. Most important thing here is to keep ignoring him.

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Right, you would need to have someone kind of proof. I'm just thinking that if he was cheating on her with you, he is likely to do it again or is doing with someone else. And its not fair to the wife. But the main thing is to see what a jerk the guy is and not see him anymore.

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I understand that you would want to ask him why he did this, but I think if you talk to him again you will only be giving him a perfect opportunity to lie to you again.


Ignore him and move on. I'm so sorry this happened to you, there are good, honest me out there that would not have done what he did. I wish you the best. Chin up girl!

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Well being on the receiving end of a cheating spouse I am quite sure you probably really don't want my advice but here it is anyway.


I would first contact his wife and tell her what he has been doing I am sure you have some evidence that you have been intimate with him and can give dates and places that only you and her know about and some physical characteristics as well. She really deserves to know what a low life she is married to I mean they did have wedding vows that he decided he didn't want to honor.


I do like the fact that you are not talking to him any longer and you are trying to ignore him but I really think you need to tell his wife I mean wouldn't you want to know if it was your husband doing it to you.


I really like him calling you and begging you and I quote "not to let go of what we had" LOL that's a joke Not to let go of what we had OH MY GOD what did you have…. Noting not a dam thing. Relationships are based on trust and he lied to you from the very start.


Do you really believe even for a second that if he divorced her today and got with you do you really think he wouldn't do it to you later? Well he would the first chance he got.


So my advice is to tell his wife and give her details like times and places and tell her he told you he was single and you didn't know about her but you wanted her to know and then you need to change your number and have no contact with him again ever.

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weirdo said that she just found out.


If you can keep a wife from knowing you have a mistress, I think you can keep a mistress from knowing you have a wife even more easily.


He is in the army and he might just as well have lied at times when he said he'd be away when he was with his wife, and vice versa.


I think the advice for contacting the wife is merely intended because somehow it is felt that the wife has a right to know her husband has not been faithful. However, I think, personally, that it is not a very wise idea. It's the responsibility of the man to tell his wife.


I'd only contact her if you get a STD test- which I think might be a good thing to do. If you have something and there is a chance he has it too, I think there is reason to tell her.


Let's keep things peaceful here- so far I haven't seen anyone wanting to wreck a home here.



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