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Attractant Colors/Scents

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I have read that most guys are more attracted to women who wear a pinkish-rose colored shirt/blouse. I have also read that males are attracted to the scents of vanilla and cinnamon. Has anyone else heard this, or had experience (+ or - ) with this?

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80's pastels for guys are back in fashion. Light pink on a guy shows how comfortable you are with yourself and that you are trendy.


I've gotten into wearing those sideways striped button-ups. I have only worn brown, blue and black so far. I wouldn't ever say that I have been into a fashion trend, so I'm I guess you could say, getting into it. I'm not the most in shape guy in the world, so I wouldn't wear something skin tight. definitely the striped shirts with a dark tone make me look substantially thinner. Read up on link removed about that. They have a load of information regarding scents and colors as a form of attraction.

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I think pink on a guy just states that he isn't happy with himself and his appearance, and that he thinks he's hot **** and superficial. \



Plus, a lot of gay people (guys) wear pink....yeah, that's why I don't bother wearing pink....pink is meant for chicks for a reason, that's why when girls are born they wrap them in a pink blanket! The pink thing is just a worthless fad that will die out in 2 years.

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colors.. none of them are always attractive, nor there is anything absolute "do-not-wear-this" -thing. It's all how you carry it. And how it goes with rest of your clothes. You can make anything look attractive, you just have to feel confident in your clothes, and after all, you want everyone to be interested in you, not your clothes, right?


But I'd say that if you want attention, wear black next to some really bright color, like strong bright yellow, or pure red or orange.. next to black those colors just work like beacons and everyone will notice them. I might be noob when it comes to relationship but I have read my color theory in graphic design studies

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I have found that when I wear burgundy or dark red I tend to get noticed more. Burgundy/maroon are my favorite colors, so that pretty much rules. I have heard that blue on a guy is supposed to make him look trustworthy...I don't buy that though.

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...I have heard that blue on a guy is supposed to make him look trustworthy...I don't buy that though.


Yeah I've heard about that too, and I agree with ya. I think people wear blue because they like the color, and looks better on certain skin tones. Blue is my favorite color (well, navy blue). I don't think clothes colors work the same as the whole flower/rose thing.


No am NOT into color scheming haha

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IMO, scent is a pretty strong factor in attraction. Not to say that you are attracted to someone you hate just because of their perfume/cologne, but scent is pretty strong. I've heard that the scent of pumpkin pie is a male aphrodisiac. (??) I guess that proves that the way to a man's heart is through food? lol

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Im not so sure with the scents of Vanilla and Cinamon but the colour Pink does seem to be making it's way back in (for some reason ), i've noticed in quite a few large shops at my nearest town showing Pink men's shirts and ties, and for some reason they don't look to bad lol

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It takes a real man to wear pink.


Colors don't matter cause its not what you wear that is attractive, its how you wear it. Clothes don't make the man, the man makes the clothes.


With scent, maybe my nose doesn't work the same way, does it matter? Give me something all natural, nothing made up or put on. I'm not big on perfume, makeup, etc. Natural beauty, sight or smell, is true beauty.

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