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A little advice needed!!

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Hey, I've been with my girlfriend for about 5 months and I now feel that I do not need to impress her anymore, and it's an awesome feeling. But the other feeling I get, is one when I miss things.. for example today, I went driving with my friends for like 5 hours, and saw a movie and stuff, and when I got home, I checked to see who called, and she did at 12:30.. probably wanting to go watch her sisters softball game with me, and I HATE missing out on things with her. It doesn't happen often, but I just don't like the feeling. Yesterday we spent alllll day together, went to lunch together, hung out, had supper then went to a movie at night, it was great. But I guess I just need some advice on how to cope with these feelings.. or what to think about when I get them. Nothing is wrong between us, but I guess it's just that I feel that im missing out on time to spend with her. But next weekend she's coming to my cottage with me and my parents, so that will be really fun. Any advice, will be really helpful!

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dont think taht. first of all the fact is you have your own life and so does she. honestly the relationsihp will BURN out if you spend every free moment together. sometimes missing out is actually enriching the realtionship. dont feel guilty or sad, you guys obviously spend ALOT OF time together anyways. its no big deal.

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