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? Life can be weird.

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So the girlfriend who dumped me and then found a new boyfriend a week later and I are now thrown into a business venture where we are spending half of every day together and we will be very dependent upon one another.

Business lunches, stopping at one another houses, being fully entwined in one another lives again.


I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing.


I'm going out of my way not to mention our relationship or wanting her back. But I'm hoping my charm and new found self improvements will be enough to win her back over in the coming months.


I'm going to try just being the best friend I can and see what happens.


I haven't asked anything about the new boyfriend, I don't know what they do together or when they spend time together. Quite honestly I don't know where they find the time to do anything together because I'm with her or in contact with her nearly 24/7. My guess is that maybe they go out once or twice a week??? I don't know.


I can't see how any boyfriend would put up with his woman working 7 days a week with an old flame...


So how should I proceed? My heart has already been broken, I don't think it can be hurt any further. Maybe we'll just be good friends again...


I wish I knew what she was actually thinking.


Either way I guess the outcome should be good. The breakup is what I needed to get out of a slump, maybe she'll come back or maybe I'll fix myself so well that someone better will want me.


I'm in a business where if my mind is on the ball a $100K to $200K income is relatively easy to achieve but for the last few years I've been scrapping by at around $30K due to sloth, depression and a heart condition that is now under control.


Keeping my fingers crossed.

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Sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.



Yes. Put her out of her mind. Work on you and making good money. Make yourself attractive to anybody, not just her. And then the pieces may fall back for you later if you want it.


My guess is, if you follow through with your improvements, then you won't want her back. Usually when you work on yourself so much and make yourself so attractive, you out grow your old self and wants.

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So, she dumps you, meets a new guy a week later (who could have been in the background before then), she gets jackhammered by him a plenty, all the while you are hovering in the background hoping she gets bored of him and comes back.


This is a fairly common situation we see here at ENA. The usual outcome for her to come back, if she comes back at all, only to leave again in the short term to go do it again with someone else.


To throw a spanner in the works, you two will be working closely together every day.


Sure, if this happened further down the track, it could work out to be a friendship based on an old relationship. But, you do not have a friendship vibe going, you are quite clearly still pining for her and this is going to drag out your healing before.


Do note, that just because your heart has been broken doesn't mean it can't get worse. You can't move on with her there all the time. No other women is going to want to entertain you when you spend so much time with the ex.


Perhaps over time this can work, but I too think it a disater waiting to happen. If you can hold on a reap some returns from the business before going your separate ways, try it, but it aint gonna be easy.

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Like sisyphus i am bound to hell


Our faces will be plastered on 5000 postcards together, we're shooting promotional videos together, yesterday she cut my hair, I'm borrowing one of her cars for a month....


We're tied at the hip, only I'm no longer the boyfriend.


It's F'ing weird.


I'm over the worst of it, not suicidal at all this week.....

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Like sisyphus i am bound to hell


Our faces will be plastered on 5000 postcards together, we're shooting promotional videos together, yesterday she cut my hair, I'm borrowing one of her cars for a month....


We're tied at the hip, only I'm no longer the boyfriend.


It's F'ing weird.


I'm over the worst of it, not suicidal at all this week.....


I feel like a lot of you guys "ties" are unavoidable if you truly wanted it to be. One of the hardest parts of moving on is accepting that its over. I feel like once you get with that, you'll be able to put less focus into a woman who already has someone. Please take care.

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