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Does anyone believe in Psychics?

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I don't believe in psychics personally.


My personal experience with psychics is limited. I have been to a few at carnivals. All I've ever heard is very general predictions like I'll have money and I'll be very successfull. For me to be impressed, I would need to hear specifics and have them come true.

My mom was at a party about 10 years ago and a psychic told her that one day one of her sons will wear glasses, and one of them will have knee surgery.

Both of these things have happened to me, but wearing glasses isn't anything unique, and I would be more impressed about the knee surgery prediction if the person said it would happen at a young age.

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psychics !!! ....phew... I think they are a little more experts in mind reading then the rest and that is it.....


Personally I dont believe them caz as Victorward said they always put things in the genral tab, I mean they will tell u a situation with an open end where many other situations could be attached to.. for example he will tell u "you will get money" now that is obivious in life every person wants money and do get money there is no big deal in it or he will predict a future situation examining your present physical and emotional condition.


I think it is all a psychological play and analysis of the human and things around them.

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I'm very skeptical about psychics.


A lot of psychics are very well studied in reading micro-expressions in the human face that we're not even aware that we're showing. They use these expressions to gather information from the person, for example they'll um and ahh towards a name or letter, if it doesn't get a positive reaction they'll try another common name letter, etc. People only remember the correct answers given by the psychics, not all the slightly wrong guesses.


And I think the whole notion of horoscopes to be ridiculous. Same with fortune telling.


Psychic abilities are in my honest opinion, scams.[/i]

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There are good and bad pyschics - one's who actually do have a talent, and others who are only in it for money and follow a basic formula of what to tell you.


But those that are real, are very real. Part of it requires the understanding that we are all connected through energy to one another, that when we pass on that energy does not disappear, some pyschics will use cards to read, some will rely on communicating with spirits or energy, or with sensing and some will use a combination of many methods...it varies.


If you are interested in a psychic, you may have to do some research to find a reputable one, they are not always the first ones you see or the most "advertised" that is for sure!

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Psychics do not exist. Just ask Miss Cleo.


If they did exist, they'd all be millionaires - "I see the winning lotto numbers are . . . "


Most people who pay for their services WANT to believe what they have to say. How often does a psychic deliver bad news to their "clients?" Who doesn't want to be told that they'll be rich in the future, have good looking children, and live a long healthy life?

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A friend of mine's mom is a professional psychic. She has made a living for years, put her kids through college on the income she generates from her business. She has been called to help police uncover missing persons. She has been on national and local radio and television, written articles etc...


I saw her once and she asked me if I had a younger sibling, a girl. I don't. She then asked if there was a grade school aged girl I was close to, and that I saw on a regular basis. Yes, indeed I do, my niece was in first grade and my parents would babysit her everyday after school. She told me to watch out for her because she saw a head injury on halloween or within a day or two of halloween. I was like..hmm..ok.


So about 3 days before Halloween I was sitting at home and my neices school called. My neice had fallen down and bumped her head on a school field trip to an apple orchard. She needed to be picked up from school. I went to pick her up and sure enough she had an enormous bump on her head. The nurse said she didnt think there was a concussion but to keep a close eye on her. That was just uncanny...


She also mentioned that she saw an illness in my mother and she said she sees it > she said it could be lungs but it is definitely in this area. My mom suffered from breast cancer...I passed this off after she that beacuse my friend could have told her about my mom, but she claims she didn't. So...Yes I do believe in some psychics.

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Me TOO!! I always dream about things happening, and they happen a couple of weeks later!!!! Its an interesting experience!![



quote=Sheyda]I agree with RayKay! There are genuine psychics and then there are fakes who use psychological tricks to make it seem as though they've read your mind, contacted the dead, or have done some other amazing feat.


I don't have any experience of people who have claimed to be psychic, but I feel I have a few "skills" myself. They're pretty pointless, though because I can't control them; I have premonitory dreams of my brother playing with Batman toys and he does it the next day in exactly the same way or I'll dream I travel past a bunch of caravans and I'll see exactly the same ones on a field trip the next month, which doesn't exactly help with anything.

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