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It's been 1 month since my breakup and instead of things getting better, I find it's getting worse. He dumped me after 4 years of pouring my heart out and doing everything in my power to make things work. Yes, there were problems, like everybody else. I feel he gave up on me and it hurts. He had said that he left all of his girlfriends in the past. Why was I a fool to think that I would be any different? He hasn't contacted me since last month except for an email he sent me 4 days later, justifying why he left. I thought that with time, I would feel better, but that's not the case. The problem I'm having is he lied in his email and believes things about me that aren't even true. I did not respond, but now feel I should speak my peace. I don't want to give him the satisfaction because I feel he doesn't deserve it, but it's beginning to bother me a lot and he should know what's in my heart. I know in my mind what the right thing to do is, FORGET him, but my heart is aching and needs to be released so I can move on. I'm so lost and confused. Advise would be greatly appreciated. :(

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Well, you didn't give any specifics about what happened, but it takes a lot of time to get over a serious relationship. It's been equated to a death in the family, almost like a mother, father or child has died. So it just takes a lot of time to get over something like this. The best you can do is keep busy and go out with friends. Exercise is important to lift your spirits, as is taking walks in the sun and strolling around in nature. Perhaps take up a hobby or go to events that you enjoy. Dating a nice guy can also take your mind off your ex. That's all you can do while the hurt slowly recedes.

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I'm sorry you're hurting. Write, but never send anything. It really helps to release your feelings.

He believes he's right, you can talk til the end of time and he's not going to hear a thing you say, so leave it be.

You have to find peace with this from within. You can't get over 4 years quickly, it takes time.

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