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Why would he ignore me?


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I'm trying to figure this out. This guy is the bartender but when I go up to the bar he ignores me, why? I really don't get it. I'm not a huge drinker, I tip descently, it's like he pretends he can't see me or hear me sometimes. Why? For example last night I was out with a girlfriend. I went to get her a water and myself a drink. I go up call his name (yes I know it small town). He was 3 feet away and didn't respond. He was doing something clearing or something but I know he heard me. The other bartender comes up, right next to me, calls his name and basically says I'm waiting. Then he was all friendly and nice to me, but what's the deal? Why could hear her and not me?


Yeah I probably posted on the wrong forum, sorry.

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Ditto to some of the possible excuses above..but I have a general idea of what it 'could' be...


Some people..not all, have this idea of knowing that they are a little more...'important' than others. Now I dont mean like all out full-of-yourself type thing, it just means they like to know you had to work to get their attention. Have you ever noticed how some people will do that...make you work to get their attention? maybe ask them something twice...or like you, even say their name twice? It's sort of like a value type thing, b/c you had to work for his attention, that makes you wonder why you couldnt get it the first time...like now, b/c you're asking why he wouldn't answer you. You had to do a little 'extra' to get his attention, and that makes you remember him b/c he's not like every guy running up to talk to you or...something along those lines. Does this make any sense though? Lemme know

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LtAwesome I think you hit the nail on the head.


For those wondering: This guy and I have a flirtation thing going on and that was one of the many things he does that I have never figured out. He'll also arrange it so I have to come up to him to get a drink instead of going out to my table. He'll serve the table next to me and then walk right past mine. He does this kind of stuff all the time. I was starting to get really annoyed by it.

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He's shown me in other ways he's interested, but this is one thing I didn't understand. I've figured it out though. Our first real interaction was him coming up to me kissing my hand, he's bought me drinks (touched my hand while serving it), etc. Then he does this other stuff that has me wondering. Yeah I thought it was all in my head too, but I now know otherwise (rather not get into it).

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