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Question about sharing personal information


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hey all. I've been dating this girl for about a month now, and she's great. we're totally into each other. however, every now and then there are things that bother me. she has a journal on link removed . most of her stuff is private, but every once in awhile she'll make a public entry.


today her post was this.

You can ask me any 5 questions no matter how personal, inappropriate, dirty or random.


I promise to answer the questions 100% truthfully in a screened post for YOU only


Ok, so, first off.... it kind of disturbs me that someone would open themselves up for ANYone to ask them ANYthing they want to know about her, and she will just willingly answer them. Second off, you can probably just imagine what kinds of things people are asking her... some of them relate to me, some of them are innocent, but for the most part, most of them are sexual related. one of the most popular ones being how many people have you slept with. i asked her this awhile back, and she didn't want to tell me because it's in the past and she feels that it's not an important question. it's kind of weird that she wouldn't tell a person who she's dating, but yet she has no problem telling anyone else???


I don't know... what do the rest of you feel like? Has anyone ever been in her situation asking this kind of thing, and has anyone been in my sitution? How do you react and feel? I think it kind of takes away the "closeness/specialness" of a relationship when one person is willing to divulge any information/feelings, etc. about you to anyone else. It makes it seem that there's nothing that's very personal about your relationship to make it that much more special. Granted we're not boyfriend/girlfriend, but we are dating exclusively.


P.S. she doesn't know that I know about her livejournal... so it's kind of hard for me to even mention this to her if that's the best thing to do... please advise thanks!!!

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You have your pefect chance to ask her anything you like --- reply privately to her livejournal under an account that she won't recognize


I know how you feel though... nothing would bother me more than my partner sharing/doing things with others that she refuses to share/do with you.

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Who knows what is really going in her head.....the 5 questions thing on her live journal could be some game of hers......one to which she has no intention of being honest. You never know. It doesn't make any sense at all that she would be willing to spill all on a live journal but not be 100% open with you. I'm telling you...this 5 questions thing is a little game she is playing. At least it's the only thing that makes sense.

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