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my ex and i broke up about a month ago for the first time after 5 months, tried to get back together but only lasted 5 days about 2 weeks ago. Since this time she has kissed my best mate and flirted with nearly every boy going and i was getting very down about this and hated my best mate for doing it to me. A few days back i met a new girl that i planned to meet up with again, my ex found out and got very upset over the next 3 days, but didnt tell me what was up until the third day after many tears that i couldnt understand.


Last night i went over her house to do some work together (we are still good friends despite her breaking my heart). She was very flirtatious with me and one thing lead to another and we ended up laying on her bed together and we kissed and hugged for near on an hour and a half straight. Afterwards she tells me how much she loves me and stuff and how she hopes i am not just trying to hurt her by doing this. However in a brief oment of discussion earlier in the night she had said she loves me and really wants to be with me but being single at the moment is probably what she wants (with exams comes up mayb?).


We were both eachothers 'firsts' and both eachothers first loves too. During the time together i became to jealous and clingy in my opinion which lead to arguments on a daily basis. After the time appart i have realised all of my mistakes and want to give it another try but by asking for another chance i am being needy again. She said she thought she was over me until she foudn herself getting upset over me and a new girl. Does she genuinly want to be with me or is she just afraid of losing me? and is playing hard to get and not making first contacts the best way to get her back? Or is she purely after 'fun' with me (she did say "i can see us sleeping together again before long" whilst i was with her last night)?


Sorry this is long, any help would be most appreciated.



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Right now after my experience with my ex I would advise you to stay friends. Let her decide what she wants to decide but don't let her have that extra le-way to hurt you even more. I'm afraid if she's dumped you there is a reason, could be exams, could be she's confused. Maybe she wants life experience.

Who knows, but let her come to you about going back out and just be her friend. If she says anything about it just say that you only want to be her friend until she makes up her mind what she wants, if it's not you then you can still be friends, if not then a relationship.

Don't set yourself up to be hurt.

Take care,


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