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It's over...

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Thank you Crystal...I have AIM, so I might add you sometime, when I feel a bit more up to talking.


And, thisisnotanexit, thanks, but I have tried the Samaritans before and I honestly didn't find it helpful I'm afraid. I don't know why, the people who spoke to me were kind, but it just didn't help.


I don't want to keep living through this pain any more. And, as much as it may go away one day, it's been with me a good 15 years of my almost 22 years of being alive. It's a long time to try to stay strong....I'm sorry, but I'm not strong enough any more.

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There have been times when I haven't felt strong enough either but I've always had someone there to lean on. I'm just continueing that for others. So don't worry. You'll be alright. Keep us updated to the best you can and you can talk to me anytime I'm signed on. If I'm mobile give me a while to reply I'm probally away from home for one reason or another. Things tend to get crazy but anyway hang in there things will get better.

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i have aim as well. or you can email if you like, whichever. or msn


but please, don't give up. i'm so sorry yo'ure hurting. but don't give up. there are other oulets online that you can reach if you search for them. you can get counseling right from your own home. you're so young. talk to your partner or someone. tell them that you're considering and let them help you. get rid of everything that you could use to do it and get yourself somewhere that you'll be safe. you can beat this. please check out these links, i know its a lot, but i think they can help


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remember you can talk here as much as you want. feel free to talk about your problems as much as you would like. we're all ehre fo ryou and we want to help

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Ok, I will look at those links, thanks. I have told my partner I feel suicidal sometimes and he knows how depressed I am, but I don't think he knows what to do, and I don't know what he could do to help either. Other than be around more, but he works a lot and obviously wants time to himself when he isn't working, which I understand. I wish he could make it all better, or help to make it better, but he can't

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Hello, I do also know how you feel, it's terrible to feel that way and you have to try your hardest to get past it. I really believe you can get past it because believe me your not the only person who feels this way. Trust me in saying this life will get better in time. I had to learn that and it was probably as tough as it is for you.... Hopefully you will find a way out of your depession and into a happier lifestyle. Please if you ever need to talk you can contact me on yahoo at email removed

If you ever need to talk send me a message please... Well I hope for the best of luck.

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You say you've had to be strong for 15 years and can't imagine continuing,


welll of course it's daunting looking at the big picture.... so you just take it one day at a time. Just one day. Live one day at a time


You've put it off so far. put it off till tomorrow, then put it off again.


Live, work and breath one day at a time. Find joy one day at a time. Be strong for one day. Then the next it's jus one more day.

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I just wanted to say that I am doing much better. I was very much on the brink, but I talked to my partner and he was angry at first (understandably) but he calmed down quickly and we had a long talk.


And then the last two days a couple of things happened which made me a lot happier. I don't really have a clue why or how they happened, but they did


Thank you too everybody who replied to me, and especially the people who went so much out of their way to PM me and provide me with information. Thank you.

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