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bored of kissing him

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Where do you want to draw the line as far as sexual contact goes?


If your kissing becomes too interesting/passionate, then there will be temptation to go further.


A hot and heavy make-out session that is destined to go no further can be very frustrating.


How about cuddling and snuggling for a non-sexual activity?

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ok thanks! I know I sound a bit pathetic saying I don't wanna sleep with him yet but i'm only 14 and i'm not ready for that kinda thing.


I realize you don't want to sleep with him, but are you open to other sexual contact? For example, light petting (over clothing), what have you done so far? What of mutual masturbation? Oral sex? You need to know what your limits are, and discuss them with him.


For the record, it's not pathetic... it's responsible.

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Yeah I understand what you're saying. It seems to me that the boredom is becoming mutual between you too. So I am sure that he will be very relieved if you try to 'spruce' things up a bit. Also, try not to kiss so much, don't just do it for the sake of kissing him. My girl and I, only really kiss when we're alone, never in public, that's just the way we are. Maybe cut him off for a few days.. but don't ignore him, just don't give him an open oppurtunity to kiss you. In a few days, he should give you a nice good one, you haven't had in awhile, if you're getting me.

Things should be fine, just try to go with it, things will fall as they may in the end.. and never feel that you have gotten yourself into a daily thing, where you have to kiss him or he thinks something is wrong.. if things are like this, you two need to talk. Otherwise, good luck!

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Try mixing up the kisses, long and slow, pecks, fast, etc. Have fun with it, get into it. It'll make it not so boring. Also, another thing to try... gently biting his lip as you pull away; biting his tongue, but not to hard b/c thats REALLY painful. When you get tired of kissing him, kiss or bite his neck or ear, it should drive him crazy. Hope this helps

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ok thanks! I know I sound a bit pathetic saying I don't wanna sleep with him yet but i'm only 14 and i'm not ready for that kinda thing.


Never and I do mean never feel that you are pathetic for not wanting to have sex. I would be more concern if you thought you were ready for it at 14, which you are not by the way, sweetie. So I applaud your responsibility...it indicates that you are mature for your age.

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i agree! I was shocked to hear you say dont think i'm pathetic for not wanting to have sex at 14. What is pathetic is giving in to have sex just to appease someone else. Dont have sex until you are ready... and by ready i think you should feel within your heart without a doubt that you love the person and they love you regardless of if you would sleep with them or not. Never EVER have sex with someone because you think it will make them like you more or it will make your relationship better. That is only a temporary relief.


I'd say dont kiss him for a while. Tease him by kissing his neck or and laying really close to him with your lips close to him... but dont kiss. Even make a game out of it if you want. Say... lets see who can go the longest without trying to go in for a kiss and who can resist the others kiss longer. I promise it will be fun and the moment one of you gives in the kiss will be awesome and almost new. Good Luck!

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Just thinking, is everything else in the relationship good? Are you sure your friends know he is thinking of leaving you for another girl? If that is the case then there might be other things going on that are more important and the lack of passion in the kisses is just a sign that things aren't going so well. No amount of changes in the way you kiss is going to help things if something else is the problem.


And never feel ashamed about not wanting to have sex yet. At 14 that should be the least of your concerns. Really, you should be proud to say you want to wait, not embarrassed.

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Try to turn making out into a game Only the person with the best tecniques gets to go farther lol.


No I think you should try some new things tho. Let your boyfriend no that you can top that kiss with a better kiss and kiss him again. Try new things Experience it all! Go to spencers and buy dice

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Try to turn making out into a game Only the person with the best tecniques gets to go farther lol.


No I think you should try some new things tho. Let your boyfriend no that you can top that kiss with a better kiss and kiss him again. Try new things Experience it all! Go to spencers and buy dice or try umm sucking his bottom lip and he should go for your top and sooo on. Thats my favorite actually. Try spicing it up a bit. Kiss his neck and suck on it and suck on his lobe and use your tongue a lot. Make eye contact.


The biggest impact would be if you would let him know. Then he will try harder and it will In Time improve more and more. And you won't want to stop kissing him.


Kissing such a fun thing!


Have fun...

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Hey rosie!


I think that it's wise of you not to sleep with your boy- I hope him talking to buddies about breaking up doesn't make you think you did something wrong.


There are ways to vary the kissing a bit and furthermore- a very important part of a relationship is simply enjoying each other's company and having fun (apart from kissing and the sexual part).


Take care,



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