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Still Can't Explains Her Behavior Post Breakup


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A part of me feels like my ex girlfriend still isn't being truthful. She broke up with me about two weeks ago after six months telling me she wasn't ready to be in a relationship because she rushed straight into it after her previous break up. She started getting angry with me all the time and we started fighting a lot more and I sensed a break up was coming. Now that we are broken up things are better than they've ever been. I feel like we connect so much better, she's so loving and affectionate, she still calls me babe and tells me she loves me. It's like she wants the whole relationship experience without the label. We are basically just friends with benefits with strings attached. I don't understand it. I still take all her time. She doesn't talk or hang out with anyone else we might as well still be in a relationship but she claims she's not ready. She literally cried the other night because she was scared that I would leave her or that I would sleep with another person. I sort of just want her to admit that she doesn't see us having a future together or maybe that she doesn't want to be tied down. I've accepted all of this already. But she keeps telling me she isn't ready for a relationship and that she might be in the future. I don't feel like that's a legitimate excuse but everytime I bring it up to her it starts a conflict so I'm just avoiding that for now.

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OP, based on your other threads, it's clear you're her emotional and physical placeholder until she is over her ex and finds another guy she is really into. She just doesn't want you to move on before she does. That's all this is.


This girl is a crocodile-tear-cryin' cake-eater of the highest order and you're allowing it, my friend. It's not a healthy choice for you and won't bring the results you're hoping for.

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Oy, please go get your proverbial balls off her key chain and strap them back on where they belong. Then tell her to go take a long hike and never to contact you again. She is using you and jerking you around to the point of pathetic and yeah, she'll be permanently out the door the moment she is over her ex and meets some other dude she is actually truly into. Spare yourself some dignity please and just cut her off already. You deserve a nice woman and a healthy relationship, but you won't find it with this chic.

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She's told you how she feels, ultimately if she truly wants to be with you then I'm sure she would let you know! It's not really fair of her to keep you around in this way. It's not healthy, and will make things difficult for you. I'd strongly recommend distancing yourself! In the long run, if you stay in this situation, you may end up seriously hurt.

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