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I've noticed her looking or staring multiple times - is she interested?


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I understand this is a fairly common question, but I'd love to get some of your opinions.


I get along with one girl really well at work and I do like her. I've caught her looking at me from across a room, conference room, or floor on several occasions and she would often hold her gaze for close to 5 seconds. Whenever I catch her before she looks away, she gives me a warm smile and holds it until I look away. Would you say that this is an indicator of interest?

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Get your courage up to ask her if she wants to get some coffee or go out for a beer after work. Then at this casual "date," ask her about her life. Do you have a boyfriend? Do you live in an apartment? Roommates? What do you like to do? Oh, so do I. Can I take you there some night? You can find out really fast that she's about, whether she has a boyfriend, and so on. Keep the first meet-up casual, and bail out if she mentions a boyfriend (or a girlfriend). Girls still want men to make the first move. Give it a try.

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Dating someone at work isn't the best scenario. It can become messy and complicated. It's always best to keep work and social sides, separated.


But someone looking at you, even for more than a few seconds, doesn't indicate anything. She could be staring into space, she could be friendly but not actually interested.


It's best to find a gf outside of work. The two never work well together.

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