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Hello! Im just going to jump right into it. So me and my boyfriend have been together for about 7 months now, we work together and practically live together. Working together isn't easy, nor did i expect it to be, however im not going to quit now for i am leaving for college in 2 months. working together isn't my problem, its his immature way of living i guess. He puts things off until the last minute, doesn't work for more than 2 days a week, drives without a license or insurance in a unregistered car because "he doesn't have time" or "cant afford it", he doesn't have a bank account, and god we have nothing in common.... i try so hard to help him with getting his license or save money... But he just ignores it, and then when i'm frustrated he turns all of my frustration back to me. His favorite line is "i didn't ask you to do that" which okay i understand you can lead a horse to water but you cant make it drink. it hurts me when he turns it on me and then refuses to acknowledge that he has hurt me even though the moment i say something that may be slightly hurtful as a joke he freaks out until i apologize. He refuses to talk through issues because he "doesn't want to fight" even thought i haven't approached him in a way that would imply i wanted a fight. Now i walk on egg shells around him but i do care for him. With all of the bad we had a lot of good. But then we get a new hire at work and well hes great, i drive him home after were off, i can have a decent conversation with him and god he makes me laugh (seriously its like he has a dictionary of jokes) . I suppose I've developed quite the crush on him. He knows my boyfriend, has hung out with him a couple of times as well. But here's the thing I'm leaving in 2 months... Because of my boyfriends incompetence a long distance relationship may not work, i don't want to have to push and work harder than i already am while he continues to put nothing more into the relationship. I like this new guy more than i care to admit but again im leaving. The college isn't far from my home town and i expect to be back most weekends for my sister. im not sure what to do, do i leave them both, keep my boyfriend, or try anew with new guy...?

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I would, at the very least, leave your boyfriend. He sounds like a real loser (sorry). If you are leaving in 2 months time anyway, maybe it would be a good idea to start new - meet new people etc. For now, the new guy sounds like a good friend, but if you are leaving in 2 months, maybe not such a good idea to get too involved.

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Youre current boyfriend isnt a good fit for you. I.say let.that relationship go. I also think youre.going off to college and i think you should start with a blank slate. Having a boyfriend back home is a big challange and can really take away from your experience when youre always preoccupied with someone somewhere else. Maybe stay friends with the new guy and see what happens but id dump the bum and stay single for a while. Go experience life then see how you feel.

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You're right he is a bum. He even refuses to meet my parents, friends, sisters, flat out refuses. I don't know really how to break up with him. i still care about him (im not entirely sure why but i still do). im just scared of crushing him because his past relationships haven't exactly been left on a good note.

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You're right he is a bum. He even refuses to meet my parents, friends, sisters, flat out refuses. I don't know really how to break up with him. i still care about him (im not entirely sure why but i still do). im just scared of crushing him because his past relationships haven't exactly been left on a good note.


It's better to break up than wasting your life with someone that is not good for you just for the sake of not hurting them.


You break up with him by telling him that this is not working and that you don't feel that you two have much in common. Tell him the truth, even though you don't need to go on detail about his short comings. After doing so you need to stick to your word and really get away from him.

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