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My girlfriend wants a "break"

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ALright so we have been dating 2 great years, or so i thought. I really did everything for this girl and i would do nething she wanted me too, i am that in love with her. She is a year under me and i am currently a freshman in college. She decided she wanted a break from and i cant figure her. We talk in person and shes all smiles and tells me how much she loves me and kisses and hugs me and what not, but once we talk on the phone or otherways she seems complety different towards the whole situtation. She says shes kind of freaking out about committing because im really the only guy shs been with, but she still loves me and wants to "experiance other things". But then cant explain to me what shes goin through and tells me she expects me not to understand it. I know i cant do nething but wait and it is just killing me like no other. i cant take it. If she really did love me why does she have to experiance other things? its like saying hey ur right for me and i love u but there could be someone out there that is better than you and if i dont find the person then ur 2nd on the list and ill just settle for u? so i dont know what to do, ive tried it all. Just dont want to see a great thing end like this

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I really did everything for this girl and i would do nething she wanted me too, i am that in love with her.
Right there. That's your problem YOU DID EVERYTHING FOR HER. Well women don't like that kind of a guy. Sorry, that's life. What she means by needing a break and doesn't feel like commiting is because your more friend quality than bf quality to her. Your not the quality of her "1st guy I want to date" thing. So yeah, just find another girl, either that or keep trying and ruin the friendship you have.
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ur situtation is like mine my girlfriend told me that she loves me bout when go to our martial arts class she whats to be single then a couple of days later she said she wnated to date other ppl now im just as lost as yo you r but here2understandz gave me some good advice dont call her let her call yo uif she wants to hangotu do it but act like u did before with out saying anything that suggest u still want her back if it doesnt workout then maybe its not ment i hope i helped take care PM me if yo uwant to talk about anything peace

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I know how you feel, its so hard to understand something you dont feel.......


When i was 18 i left my home country to live in the uk, i met this guy that was my WORLD. my god ive never felt anythin like it.........


anywys he wa smy first real bf n love......and even tho i so couldn never be without him in my life, as in break of all possibility, i found myself at times for no apparent reason pondering the thought of how if this is the one, the guy i will marry, then this is my life, thats it, i will marry him, we will b happy have kids etc n thats it..........no single life anymore, no parties, no first dates, no other rships to endure the memories........no nuttin........


even tho love is the greatest thing to have esp if pure, when ur young its hard to sacrafice everythin, even tho u cant stand thought of loosing them...we only live once, theres no 2nd chances with life.........thats daunting, its purely that shes not ready


as for the question of if she loved me wouldnt she only want me...........well shes thinking how i also did at the time with my 1st love..........how do u knwo if itsreal if uve never had anything else?


how do u know hes the one when you havent experienced other rships, other break ups, single life etc etc etc


when ppl think too much, esp when u arent ready for ocmmittment this all becomes too much


hope this helps

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I'm not sure, but I think you act bit wussy - gals don't like this type of a "nice guy" they need challange spice up with some funny otherwise she'll turn you into "just a friend or brother" that's it. It happened to me, I thought if I'll be generous buy things and call her hundred times a day she will love me, but I was wrong. Instead I was turned back after spending money buying things for her, you got me? I don't say all gals, some of them are "nice gals too" they love to be treated nice, but as I said, other (most) don't like this way. Anyway good luck.

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Best thing to do is back off - if she wants a break then let her have it. But that means no contact. This could mean the end of the relationship and you should really think of it as if it were. If she wants to come back she will because she misses you and decides she would rather b with you than without you. But she won't know that unless she is without you for a while.


Remember than no contact is not a means to get back an ex. It is for you to come to terms with the fact the relationship is probably over and for her to decide what she wants. But if she is now getting all the benefits of a partner with no commitment on her part you have no real relationship anyway. And it will hurt you more in the end if she goes permanently.

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i'd have to agree with charlotte skye on her remarks. i'm going through the same thing with my bf of five years. he has said that he wants to take a break. only thing he's doing is breaking my heart though. i've told him that i don't agree with breaks (which i don't) because they aren't a solution to a problem. I think we should stay to together and try to figure it out, or break up for good. right now we're together and i'm giving him his space. i understand that my bf has never really been single. he's 20 now, is in college, and hasn't ever been on his own. i've never been on my own. everything we've done over five years has always been together. it's hard to grow as in individual, and feel independent when you've never been given that chance. my bf's feelings for me haven't changed...he still loves me. he wants to marry me one day. his feelings about "experiencing other things" (he used those words too) are independent from his feelings about me. they are separate from his love for me. so it's like he's being pulled in two opposite directions. it's hard. believe me, i know. maybe you could offer her the idea of taking some time to both have some space to do your own thing. not have to worry about the other person getting mad, or being upset that you aren't making enough time for them, etc etc. just remember to be honest, and make sure that your gf is honest with you about what she's feeling. that will be the most important thing.

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Your girlfriend loves you, but wants to experience other men.


Translation = She doesn't love you anymore, and she is trying to be nice about slowly breaking things off with you. I say she doesnt love you anymore because if she did, she wouldnt want to go out and sleep with other men.


Sorry this is happening dude. It will eventually get better.

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