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Who did wrong in the argument?


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Hello! Me and my boyfriend are a little at ends about who had the right to get mad, who ultimately did wrong, etc. in a previous fight/argument.


How it started:


My Instagram profile is occasionally private or public and I admit that my Instagram attracts random Chinese guys to follow me and sometimes compliment my photos of my face/body or any photo of mine. They usually comment in Chinese, and I've studied for four/five years Chinese so I can easily communicate with them if I need to. My boyfriend does not understand any Chinese. He always uses Korean, which I hardly understand, to talk to his friends who are both boy and girl so I thought it was okay to use Chinese to talk to people.


When I noticed they comment a lot on my photos, I made a basic rule for myself to not cause any worry to my boyfriend, which was not to say anything or reply to any guy who compliment my face or body, but if they compliment a photo of, say, my hamster or my boyfriend's cat or food, then I sometimes reply in Chinese saying thank you or agreeing with them or answering a question they ask about the photo directly. That is all I do; I do not follow them back, I do not like or comment their photo, and I do not private message them.


There was this one Chinese guy who I've noticed comments on my photos a lot recently, saying I am beautiful or that this photo looks very delicious (picture of food) or the photo looks very cute (cat photo), etc. I've replied to his comments a couple of times, following my above rule. I never made him think I was flirting or interested in him in general; I just replied in a friendly manner as I would to anyone who made comment on my photos. I didn't treat him with any special attention.


One time, this very guy commented on a photo of my face, saying "I


The fight:


I get a call from my boyfriend at 4 AM, where he seemed a little worried and slightly upset and wanted answers from me. He asked me who is this guy, why did he say I


I tried to explain to him that I don't care if random strangers like me or love me, I just want to be a nice person. But this explanation didn't help him feel good. I then tried to compare myself to a celebrity, where celebrities always get fanboys or fangirls or admirers commenting on their photos and saying I


I kept trying to explain that I didn't think I did wrong or anything harmful to our relationship, but he got so mad at me that he said, "I don't want you anymore, bye you" and hung up. I was so shocked he said this. Then he messaged me on text saying he will block me everywhere and not message me anymore. I didn't reply to his messages. I didn't answer his phone calls except maybe one time but only for us to keep yelling and hanging up again.


He called my phone over 10 times and I just texted him to stop calling. He later stopped. We didn't talk for the whole day. I was confused why he was so angry with me... I didn't know what I did wrong, he didn't explain clearly on the phone and I wanted us to talk when we are both okay again. I later called him in the evening wanting an explanation.


We talked on the phone and he then said that what I did to him was like cheating to him, and he doesn't like it if I let a guy who says he loves me into my life and I talk to him, "giving him a chance." He said I should have blocked him right away and not continued to reply to his other comments he had made later.


My boyfriend now threatens me that if I do not "get this" value in my head, he will want to break up with me for good...


I would really like to know everyone's opinion on this matter. Who did wrong? Both of us, one of us? What would you do if you were in either of our position? I really need some insight on this drama...sorry... T__T

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It sounds like you require a lot of attention! You need to get a check on your inflated ego!


I agree with your bf. Why in the world would you continue to respond to someone who was disrespectful? You should have blocked him.


You are not a celebrity.I also do not think a celebrity would respond to these types of comments. Ridiculous analogy.

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Would you be ok if a random girl commented on one of your boyfriends pictures with I


Be honest with yourself.


Why is a stranger on the internet more important than your boyfriend? Why not block him?



Thank you for your insight. Are you male or female?

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I tried to explain to him that I don't care if random strangers like me or love me, I just want to be a nice person. But this explanation didn't help him feel good. I then tried to compare myself to a celebrity, where celebrities always get fanboys or fangirls or admirers commenting on their photos and saying I


You're being very silly. You need to understand that that this movie-star analogy is a fantasy. You're not a movie star. You're not making a living off of your image or your fan base. The only benefit of this attention is that it's stroking your ego and perpetuating your fantasy. So it really becomes a contest between your boyfriend and your ego. The moment you saw "I

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