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choosing between friendship and a relationship

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I'm pretty sure this question has already been asked, but here it goes anyways. I like this girl and I'm pretty sure she likes me too. She gives me all the signals and just the other day was asking if she could come to my dorm and spend some time with me. The thing is we just became really good friends for a few months after a rough couple of months. I want to ask her out but I don't want to throw away our friendship if things don't work out. Even if she says no things are going to be awkward and not the same.

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Learn how to read her body language instead of asking her out blindly. It's a lower risk move, and once you're able to read her, you'll know whether or not you can kiss her. Look for signs that she's attracted to you . . . you can also change the context of your conversations with her to let her know you're interested in her.


On another note, at the root of every great relationship is a solid friendship. Good friendships typically include open communication, which is also vital in having a good relationship with someone. Your case is exactly my point in my theory of why men and women can't just "be friends and hang out."

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Learn how to read her body language instead of asking her out blindly. It's a lower risk move, and once you're able to read her, you'll know whether or not you can kiss her. Look for signs that she's attracted to you . . . you can also change the context of your conversations with her to let her know you're interested in her.


On another note, at the root of every great relationship is a solid friendship. Good friendships typically include open communication, which is also vital in having a good relationship with someone. Your case is exactly my point in my theory of why men and women can't just "be friends and hang out."



hey i totally agree with you. I've seen it happen so many times. Even with the ones that don't work out i would think they would given enough time.

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yeah - ditto to what Chai said. See how she acts around you. Casually bring up the topic of relationships - just ask her, you know, as a friend, if she has a special guy in her life. Over time, things may develop.


However, Chai, I do think that some men and women can be friends. I have one male friend that is totally not into me, and I totally don't like him either. But, we've been very close friends for about 8 years, because we have a lot of interests, hobbies in common. We aren't each other's type at all, but we're very good friends. But, I guess this is the excpetion, not the rule....

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It really interesting to see some people's opinions on the matter. I believe honsetly though there is a very small difference between a friendship and a relaionship. In both you are there for each other and care about each other and dont like seeing each other getting hurt in any way. When it all comes fown to it basically the only difference is the physical aspect of it all and that really is about it.


A second finishing note i disagree with anyone who says a guy and a girl cannot be just friends. If this was true than you could not have any female friends and a girl frined at the same time and there are cuntless examples of this in the world. So thats my two cents!

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