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Its been a little over a month since i was "thrown away" by the guy who i was dating. It was a short fling but im still upset about it. He really made me feel like we were turning into something and he ran away at the first sign of me wanting it to turn into something. Unfortunately i see him at work (im a nurse hes a paramedic). Today he did a small smile and then looked down..be cant even look me in the eye..why? I did nothing wrong...i just wanna get over this and i dont wanna be affected when seeing him...we only dates a few weeks! Granted i was single for a whole year prior, healing from a prior relationship. Im tired of feeling used and not good enough part of me just wants a text from him. He completely acts as i do not exist. We are still social media friends and i didnt even get a happy birthday..might sound petty but all these things bother me. I know im a good person.. but this is just consuming me

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After only a few weeks of dating, my guess is, it was most likely impossible to know where it was going. Also, it's possible that he felt he was being forced into making a decision as to where you stood, especially with barely knowing each other at that point.


I'm sorry that happened, but I'd take the lesson with me and avoid getting too attached, too soon.

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Try not to think about his motives Etc. Think about moving forward and protecting your heart from this again. Consider moving slower next time. Do something nice for yourself and remember that this relationship doesn't define your worth. You can survive this.


Sending you light and love.

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Delete him from social media and go NC. I promise you soon it'll get better. Maybe you became too attached because of your previous relationship and healing time. It's ok and perfectly normal. You'll never know his motives for sure, so now focus only on you and moving on. At least you go to know for sure that he's not interested in a relationship with you, so you can cut your losses soon and move on. And believe us, his reasons have nothing to do with you or your worth. Don't waste your time on someone who's not on the same page. Good luck!

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