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Alright, me and my girlfriend have been together for about 5 months or so, and we're only 15, and I know we're both young, but our relationship is very mature, more clearly, we are not that into public affection, like we don't kiss in front of people.. at all. im not sure if she's just not comfortable with it.. or what, I wouldn't mind too, but I don't know what it is. I just want to have a good relationship with her, meaning, being comfortable at her house, with her whole family, and vice versa. We hang out all the time, and do fun things, this weekend we might be going to play lazer tag.. her idea. Anyways, I find myself thinking about her 24/7 and I know that isn;t anything bad, but I dont; know if she is doing the same.. she came over last weekend with another couple, and we had fun.. we didn;'t make out or anything, and I know relationships arent about that.. we do other things.. cuddle and stuff, I feel that we're more mature than other couples who think relationships should be based around holding hands and such.. if you get me. Like she surprises me with things sometimes.. like yesterday she painted me a picture of my name with a heart around it, and just gave it to me.. it made my day, just to know she took the time.. for me. I just want to know if this sounds good.. and if you were a girl.. or if you are.. what I can do to keep her, and so she doesnt get bored and leave.. or just become unattracted to me.. I know once we get passed the hard months.. that it gets easier, and I dont need to worry as much anymore, but just what are some things I can do.. and am I doing it right, and does she seem into me? and what are some things I can do to find out if she is.. I also want to let her know what she means to me. but we dont really talk about that.. we are more the laid back, type. So if I did let her know, id want to do it in the style we are used to. Thats pretty much it.. I just want things to work out.. I know it's a lot, but please reply and tell me how this sounds.. and give me your opinion on ANYTHING I can do.. im just curious, thanks a lot !

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It honestly sounds like things are amazing between you two. From what you have written, its 100% sure that she is into you, and especially since you guys have last 5 months....that's very mature, especially for 15 y/o.


Dont worry about messing things up. Act yourself as much as possible, because if you start to worry, you give out a vibe that can cause things to get weird. Just relax and let things flow, and dont speed things.


You can tell her how you feel, and do it in the style that is most comfortable, like you said yourself, and Im sure things should be great.

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