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What does this mean? Help needed!


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I met a guy on a online dating app in February. He is 27 and trying to get into theatre as an actor. We went on our first date after messaging for a few days and it was fantastic. We found out that we had a few things in common, and made out by the end of the date. He asked for a second date the week after which also went very well. He was gone for 2 weeks for an audition in California, but asked to go on a third date while he was there. We went on the date once he came back to NYC and it was great, we ended up fooling around (he did not want to have sex because he felt like he wanted to get to know me more and thought it could possibly lead to something more).


He wanted me to plan the fourth date so I asked him if he would like to go to go on a date with me. He said yes but he had some family engagements going on for 2 weeks (which was true, as he told me this while we were on the third date). After 2 weeks we go on the fourth date and he is still showing affection, taking pictures with me, etc. When we got to his place he tells me that he got a part in a show that will be in Washington D.C and he will be gone for 2 months. He does not think it will be possible for us to try and move into a relationship due to his absence. He tells me he is sorry as he did not know it was going to be like this and he happened to like me. He asked me what I thought about the situation as he and I both came into this with the idea that if everything went well we would see if a relationship is possible (not friends with benefits). I did not know what to tell him besides the fact that it's up to him and that I like him.


Why did he ask me about what I thought if he basically told me that we couldn't explore getting into a relationship since he'll be gone temporarily? Some input would be helpful.

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Sounds genuine enough. Makes sense he'd rather not try to foster a relationship remotely. You should date around in the meantime. If he comes back into town and you're not invested in other options yet, I'd say feel free to give it another whirl. Though if gigs on the road is a pretty standard thing for him, that'd be something you'd have to factor in.

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I forgot to add that in between dates he did not text much as he stated he was not into texting much. He was very attentive during our dates however.


Also, after we had that talk, he told me he missed me and we ended up having sex. I don't know if that makes a difference or not.

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Seems like he is pretty upfront and open which is a good thing right?


This isn't up to him it is up to both of you. He asked what you thought so what do you think?


4 dates are 4 dates no matter how you slice it so there isn't a super deep connection but you are both attracted to each other and like spending time together but he is leaving town. Sounds like you need to keep dating while he is gone and let him know when he gets back into town to look you up again.


I agree with jman that the whole traveling thing will be his way of life and if that doesn't fit your plans then better to end this and look for a guy that better suits your life.



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Thank you everyone for your input! You all had some valid points, and I will take them into consideration.


I have already been dating other guys while he and I were dating and I plan to continue. If nothing pans out and we're both still available when he gets back, i'll consider taking another shot.

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He's already invested in the wining and dining and 4 dates and had sex, so he wants to pick it up where you two left off when he returns.


4 dates is not a relationship but at least he has someone to call when he returns rather than having to start the whole process over with someone new.

Why did he ask me about what I thought if he basically told me that we couldn't explore getting into a relationship since he'll be gone temporarily?
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