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Just an update: I finally talked with him yesterday about the profile thing (took me longer than I expected to get up the nerve). He seemed a little confused at first why I cared so much, and just listened to me pour out all my feelings. At the end of my talking he just said he understood my point of view, but that I don't need to worry about it because he actually had cancelled his subscription earlier this week, feeling he has better things to spend his money on now. And he thanked me for telling him how it had been bothering me because he doesn't like it when people bottle things up inside and then blow up.


So, I'm not sure his reasoning for taking it down is exactly what I was expecting, but the end result is the same, and I'm happy with it. I have no desire to even think about looking at his profile or mine again, so I'm canceling mine and then just going to go forward trusting him. He really has given me no reason to distrust him up to this point.


Ahhh, that's how this relationship thing is supposed to work. Nice.

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