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What do I do next?


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So, let me start from the very beginning. I have only ever dated one guy before and it was easy because we went to the same school so we saw each other every day. Since leaving school we decided to end things. A couple of months later I then joined tinder just for fun not expecting anything. I was on it one night in my friends house and a guy, let's call him Lee, came up that she worked with and knew quite well. So I swiped right, for a laugh, and we matched. Lee and I sent a few funny messages back and forth but only really talked about how we had a mutual friend. We never met in person or went any further. Fast forward two months and I get invited to my friends birthday. She tells me lee might be coming when he finishes work.

He showed up on that night and we started talking about how we matched on tinder and just general chat. We spent a good part of the night together but it was hard to have a conversation because we were in a club. This may be tmi but we kissed a couple of times that night but nothing more. When he was leaving he asked if I would like to go on a date with him and I said yeah sure why not. We exchanged numbers, added each other on fb the usual stuff and we went our separate ways.

Two days later and I get a text asking if I want to go on a date to the cinema with him. We arranged a time and date and off we went. The date went a little something like this; we met at the cinema, got milkshakes, watched the movie and then I dropped him home (it was late and there were no busses for another hour). Conversation was good in the car, although, I did find it kind of hard to drive and talk because I didn't know where I was going and I was trying to listen to what he was saying. When I finally made it to his house he asked if would get another date. I kind of mumbelled and nodded my head. I was so nervous but in a good way that I think I forgot how to use my words. Then he kissed me and left. I should say I live about an hour away from the city where he lives.

Since then, we have been texting each other nearly everyday. I'm not big on texting someone but we wouldn't communicate otherwise. Still no plans for a second date. I did suggest meeting up to watch a rugby match together but he had been out the night before and didn't see my text until it was too late.

So here is my problem, he has returned to full time college and a part time job. I work full time but I'm more flexible with work. Recently he has been saying how much college work he has and how he is always in work. But I don't know if he is just telling me this or is he saying it as a hint that he is too busy for anything. He does start conversations sometimes but only really if he hasn't text back the night before. I know that I'm probably over reacting but I just don't know where to go from here. The last thing I want to be is clingy and I don't know what to say when we're texting sometimes. Do I ask him on another date? If so, how do I do it in a way that doesn't make me seem desperate? I would like to see him again and to get to know him more but what do I do next??

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Unfortunately it sounds like he's losing interest and using the "very busy with work, school, etc." excuse. Stop texting so much.



Simply say "so would you like to do xyz net weekend?". Was he looking for hookups or dating?

Recently he has been saying how much college work he has and how he is always in work. I don't know what to say when we're texting sometimes. Do I ask him on another date?I would like to see him again and to get to know him more but what do I do next??
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