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Break up over a business or a natural end?

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I have been with my partner nearly 9 years. We got engaged last year and it was phenomenal. Since that time and present day my partner has been preparing to start their own buisness, it's now running and running very well, I am very proud and very supportive. I thought it would be good timing to start preparing for a wedding with a date well over 1 year away and my partner agreed. From the moment it was booked and save the dates went out it has rapidly gone down hill. Within four weeks we have struggled to find the time to be with each other, talk to each other and I feel that I have been brushed under the carpet. We had a very serious conversation last week where my partner couldn't decide if it was the business making it all very stressful or that they didn't find me attractive anymore but they still loved me, suggesting we were more 'friends' than anything else. Since that conversation it's like we are not really 'friends' in that we are alkward with each other, finding it hard to talk, smile, no kisses or hugs, we are now staying in separate beds to try and give each other space. Do I hold out in tough times or do I just call it a day? The later seems a bad idea as we have not actually called the engagement off. Any advice would be great. Thank you

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Sounds like the wedding thing is creating the stress. Why not get the elephant out of the room and talk about that rather than talking about generalized stress. Why after all this time be roommates?

From the moment it was booked and save the dates went out it has rapidly gone down hill.
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