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Hi all,

Just got a quick situation that I would like some comments on. I am a first year uni student and there is a chick in my tutorial class and she has a boyfriend, but I think she may be interested in me. I think this because she preferred to sit and study with me and didnt care that her boyfriend was not there even though he does the same course. She always laughs at what I say even if I had no intention of doing so. She has gone on numerous walks with me for no real reason and always wants to hang out even when I am doing some of the most boring tasks imaginable.


I know that you may think she is just being friendly but she gets disappointed every time I cant come and see her. She was on the verge of tears when I said I couldnt come to her 18th. So c'mon you dont cry if a friend you have known for bout 2 months cant come to your bday. So what do you guys think? I think she is one of the best chicks i have ever met, but dont want to destroy our relationship by making a wrong move on her; so what should I do?


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Well if she likes you as som it seems well it seems like that to me and i think you prolly like her or you wouldnt be posting on this forum why dont you go for it! First find out if fo sure she likes you and then you make the first move cause thats what she is proberly waiting for but i wold wait until she leaves her bf or they split up or whatever or if you tell her you like her and you to get it going then tell her to leave her bf and she will if she aint really happy with him and wants you.....gudluck

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... First find out if fo sure she likes you and then you make the first move cause thats what she is proberly waiting for but i wold wait until she leaves her bf or they split up or whatever or if you tell her you like her and you to get it going then tell her to leave her bf and she will if she aint really happy with him and wants you.....gudluck

Whooo Strictly thats a long sentence. LOL, but ya, basically what he said. It seems apprent that shes not happy with her BF, and is looking for something from you. Now trying to figure out what that something could be might be hard. Try and keep in mind, if she does spit from her BF, she might just be looking for a rebound. As you said, you've only known each other for aproxmently 2 months..so ya...anyways GOOD LUCK.



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I think DN's right about the body language, but if it seems she returns the feelings, before you go any further than that, you should sit down and talk with her, get everything out in the open. Because the fact is, she still has a boyfriend, and that could complicate things, but my best advice might seem the most cliché, "Just follow your heart, first and foremost."

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i agree with the body language thing. let her know that you like her, maybe flirt a bit, hang out, have a good time with her.


but i wouldn't make a big move on her if i were you until she's available. having a boyfriend in the picture could really complicate things.

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