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Ex Boyfriend completely changed his attitude towards me.


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Ok so I have been racking my brain trying to understand what has happened, so I figured Id ask on here. here's the situation:


we are both 21 and we met at a party of a mutual friend. he talked to me the entire night, and even walked me to my car when I announced that I was leaving. he asked for my number before I left and texted me about 20 minutes later. we talked a while and he asked me out on a date. the next morning, I did not bring up the date since he was a little drunk when I was talking to him and didn't want to make him feel weird. he brought it up himself the next day, which was a friday, and set our date for monday night since he was going somewhere on saturday and I had work sunday. he added me on snapchat and we talked all day. saturday, he ended up getting back into town way earlier than anticipated and asked me if I would like to catch a movie that night. I agreed and that was our first date. we went to a movie and then I had a pancake craving after so we went to grab some pancakes. He walked me to my door and kissed me goodnight. and we continued to text afterwards. sunday, after I got off work he asked if I wanted to go to his place to watch the football game with him and some friends, but I was tired and needed to take care of my dog so I declined but said he could come to my place after if he wanted. He did, and he stayed the night. we did not have sex, but rather we stayed up all night talking and cuddling. the next morning he left because I had things to do but we had our date later that evening. we went on our date that night and he ended up staying the night again, and we did have sex this night. tuesday I did not see him and wednesday, I saw him before I went out of town to stay with my parents for a month. he also went to visit his parents but only for a week and half. our families lived about 40 minutes apart so while we were both visiting family, we made the trip to see each other a few times. on one time, we actually had the talk about making things official between us, with him saying "i would love to be considered your boyfriend." so that's what we did. he even got drunk that night and told me I was someone he could see himself marrying. one night after seeing a movie with my family, my now boyfriend asked me to come see him but he wanted me to meet his family as well. he said it would mean a lot to him. so even though I did not particularly want to, I did it for him. a few days later, he insisted on wanting to meet my family, so again while I wasn't thrilled about the idea, I did so he met my family as well. the next day, he went back home and we were apart for 3 weeks, talking/face timing every day. the day before I came back home, we were face timing and he talked about how excited he was to see me, and made plans with me for the day I got back as well as the day after. I finally got back to town and he came over, but here is where the plot thickens. he came over 2 hours after I got back into town and he broke up with me. I was super upset and proceeded to get drunk. then I texted him asking for him to come back so we could talk about it. after some convincing, he eventually came back over, and we talked briefly. but then he began to cuddle me and said "i really did miss you" and then we had sex. afterwards, he said he wanted to "keep things casual." since i still wanted him, I agreed. so we had sex the next night as well. ever since then, he never texts me first, and he usually blows me off. we dated a total of about a month and a half and have been broken up about a month. why did he change up on me so much? he still looks at my snap chats every single day. and one time i accidentally texted him "dude I ed up" and he kept asking what was wrong and even offered to come over to talk with me about it. he picked me up from school one day when i needed a ride and we went to get food once since the breakup. now it's been almost a week of no contact because I got tired of always initiating contact and usually being blown off as a result. I don't understand what's going on. we talked all day every day and he was always telling me how lucky he was to have found me and he was even making plans for both our birthdays which were a couple months in the future. the day before I came home he even made plans with me for the next two days, then just randomly dumped me. please someone give me some insight! also sorry for the length.

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How long were you dating? It sounds like all he's offering at this point is fwb or casual dating. Did he meet someone else while away?

we are both 21 and we met at a party. he came over 2 hours after I got back into town and he broke up with me. I was super upset and proceeded to get drunk. then I texted him asking for him to come back so we could talk about it. after some convincing, he eventually came back over, and we talked briefly. but then he began to cuddle me and said "i really did miss you" and then we had sex. afterwards, he said he wanted to "keep things casual."
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Sorry to say but he used a lot of drunken "marry someday" talk early on to bring sex into the picture. It seems that's all he is interested in. He's a player, it's up to you to decide if you can do "casual" with him which means he'll be having sex with others and there's no relationship.

we dated a about a month and a half
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It's ye olde what burns hot and fast, burns out just as fast.


Maybe going forward actually pace yourself better, have boundaries and don't let a guy run them over. If you are not comfortable with what he is asking for, speak up and learn how to say no. Ultimately, don't confuse a ton of constant yakking with a healthy relationship. It's nothing more than a really quick way to make you feel comfortable and way more invested than you should be, which leads to him getting laid faster. He kind of talk bombed you and you fell for it. Agree with wiseman, total player move.


What he is doing is playing a fun game of catch and release. You've been caught, you've been released and demoted to fwb. Please go find your self respect and tell him to get lost.....assuming he will even bother contacting you....which he might....at some point....when his well is running dry....he might even tell you some bs about how he has realized you are the one who got away, the love of his life....lmao..... I sincerely hope that by then you are wise enough to laugh in his face and block and delete.

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I don't agree with him being a player, although it is definitely possible, I do not think he would show so much care towards you if he was. Such as talking about your problems and picking you up from school.


I think you should talk to him, set things straight. And say if there is no relationship then there should be no talk, and you need to do your best to stay away from him and try not to message him.

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