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I'm really conflicted at what to do next..


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So last semester I developed a crush on this guy in one of my classes. The class was like a collaboration type class so it was me and him and two other people that worked closely on a project all semester. So I wasn't expecting to like anyone, it just happened, and I know I shouldn't like him but I do considering we were just group partners. My problem was that when I realized that I liked someone, I act so shy and nervous. And I'm not usually a shy person.. it was just around him. When I saw him I got butterflies, I didn't know what to say or do, I would be so awkward, so I wasn't really myself around him. So he thinks I'm a socially awkward weirdo. We talked a little and made small talk and did our work, but I froze up and didn't act how I wanted too.. I really blew things. He asked to hang out in the beginning of the year, and we did homework but of course my nerves blew it, and I was quiet and shy, and I think that was a turnoff because he's more outgoing naturally. I'm a fun person I swear!! He just doesn't know it. So the semester ended it and now we don't have a class together. So one night after break I got drunk and my friend took my phone and texted him "Heyyyy" at like 1am and of course he read it and didn't answer. And it was just sooo weird and cringy.. the next week I saw him at his fraternity party and I just felt weird. So another week past, and I ended up seeing him in the Student Center and he just stared at me, and I pretended not to notice. Then that night we were gonna go to another party that his frat was throwing (not just for him, but they are usually fun) but it got cancelled. So my same friend was like can I snapchat message him and my drunk ass was like sure, and she made his super awkwardly worded formal message "Hey! I saw you today, I didn't know it was you! How has your semester been" and he opened it and never answered. I'm really stuck because I can't get him out of my head, I mean clearly he's not interested or he would have replied. I'm just sick of this middle school bull, I just want to straight up tell him how I feel and apologize for being so weird, even if he doesn't reply I just want to get it off my chest. My question is should I do it? It might be mortifying but at least then I can just move on... I don't know what to do. I just can't believe I acted how I did, I've never been like that with a guy before.

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Don't let your friends text him. Your friend's messages were idiotic and no one would answer them. Think for yourself. Friend him on fb and start a convo.

I got drunk and my friend took my phone and texted him "Heyyyy" at like 1am and of course he read it and didn't answer. my same friend was like can I snapchat message him and my drunk ass was like sure, and she made his super awkwardly worded formal message "Hey! I saw you today, I didn't know it was you! How has your semester been" and he opened it and never answered.
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I agree totally about the drunk texts! They make me cringe thinking about it, but we're 20 and it's hard to explain we don't really communicate via Facebook, I don't with anyone other than for group events. But I was thinking of texting him and literally apologizing for my actions.. because let's be real what I did was weird. And I just want to be real and honest and tell him how I feel. Even if it's hard, and I know he won't reciprocate but still it needs to come out

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Like Capricorn3 said, there's no need to apologize when you haven't done anything wrong.


So my same friend was like can I snapchat message him and my drunk ass was like sure, and she made his super awkwardly worded formal message "Hey! I saw you today, I didn't know it was you! How has your semester been" and he opened it and never answered.


Just out of curiosity, what would have been the better way to word this sentence?

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