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The Decompression Chamber


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This sentence made me smile.


Me too.


By the way, I don't think paying for a diet/gym program is a good idea. You know already what you need to know.


You're right, of course. But that's probably not going to stop me from paying them! I wish I could put my finger on what this psychological issue is.... laziness? Escape from responsibility?


doing day 3 right now and so far it sucks ballz and i hate everything


I haven't gotten started yet. I am really dragging. I planned the HIIT workouts for today. Ugh. Just drank a creatine beverage, which I swore off of for the purification phase of this diet. Bad me.

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dias, is 2,5 slices of tyropita the same as a small family and their cattle? because i just had that.


would i ruin it if i froze the other 1,5 piece for next week?


jibs, you're doing the other FB vids? i'll go back to those after the challenge. i don't think i could do this every day. although i see they have a challenge for busy ppl, the vids are shorter, but i fear they are brutal. i can barely manage this.


yesterday, i swear it was the same four exercises over and over and over and over again. and i stepped into D's water bowl lol.


today's look hard.

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btw jibs, i don't think you have to worry about the drink. pretty sure you'll sweat it out right away.


sorry for the tmi but i have never stunk like i stink during this challenge. it gets so bad. i think i'm sweating out metabolites from...5 years ago. so grateful i'm doing this in the privacy of my own home.

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dias, is 2,5 slices of tyropita the same as a small family and their cattle? because i just had that.


would i ruin it if i froze the other 1,5 piece for next week?



2,5 slices.... I thought we were talking about 25 slices lol.


Ruin it, no, maybe it will not be as much tasty. But it's a sound idea to save it for the next week.

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haha, they're pretty big slices though. it's so easy to eat lots of it while it's warm!


thanks! i did guess it would be either more crumbly or soggy, but i can live with that.


it seriously needs to be frozen or i fear i won't have the self-control to stay away from it.


i can plan a fairly healthy mealplan for the week then, and cheat on sunday.

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haha, they're pretty big slices though. it's so easy to eat lots of it while it's warm!


thanks! i did guess it would be either more crumbly or soggy, but i can live with that.


it seriously needs to be frozen or i fear i won't have the self-control to stay away from it.


i can plan a fairly healthy mealplan for the week then, and cheat on sunday.

Tell me about it. I took a week off and I am at my grandma's now. I will be like an elephant till Sunday....


Yeah I follow the same pattern normally. Clean meals from Monday to Friday, Saturday is the cheat meal day and Sunday is something in between. It is a good pattern.

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grandma! you absolutely have to let grandma spoil you!


day 4 was a piece of cake, pun intended. some of it was repetitive (they have workouts for people who get bored easily, which i will also look into), then there were lots of jabs and uppercuts- i don't really understand the point of those, save for keeping our pulses up, but hey, they're the pros. the rest of it was yoga, which i've done since before i could walk so maybe that's why it was easier today. i had the stamina to do little hornpipes during water breaks and while they did the boxer shuffle, whereas on some days i could barely shift my weight from foot to foot and would just fidget in place towards the end.


i might add a short intense workout later in the day, since i had it easy through most of this one.


seems like so far, day 1 was the hardest, and day 3 was the most boring and annoying. but they're all worth it, i feel really good.

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dias, is 2,5 slices of tyropita the same as a small family and their cattle? because i just had that.


I'm so jealous. I have to wait for holidays to have mine, and they don't have homemade phyllo!


jibs, you're doing the other FB vids? i'll go back to those after the challenge. i don't think i could do this every day. although i see they have a challenge for busy ppl, the vids are shorter, but i fear they are brutal. i can barely manage this.


Yes, I'm just randomly doing videos based on how much time they take and/or what muscles they work. I just go at my own pace. The goal is to beat the instructor, but I am nowhere near that point yet. I'm just trying not to fall through my glass coffee table.

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i love these goddesses of greek cuisine, i'm not even complaining i had to do an extra workout lol, worth it!


the phyllo thing amazes me endlessly. i will never attempt to make it myself. many moons ago i tried and it was a disaster, i completely ruined it. i have seen women stretch it out without a roller, they pick it up like one would pizza dough and stretch it like that, in the friggin air, without tearing it or messing it up. it should be a category at the olympics.


day 5 was shorter and very easy. i actually find some of their shorter vids more difficult than these.


i have a wine crate in place of a coffee table, but dog toys, water bottles (best chewy toys ever) and cords will be the death of me one of these days.


i have caught myself thinking just you wait kelli, just you wait. i will outperform you...right after i take a five-minute breather lol.


it's weird how some days a difficult vid feels easy and others i'm pausing a short toning video and panting.


i love it how these don't give me injuries. i had a foot injury a few months ago that changed my arch permanently and i thought i'd feel it, but i don't. and my knees haven't complained any yet.

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i love these goddesses of greek cuisine, i'm not even complaining i had to do an extra workout lol, worth it!



Greek cuisine deserves many extra workouts. I am not sure it deserves the preparation though.

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yeah, i don't know about the preparation either, i know it's definitely out of my league.


i love cooking, but lately i'm getting annoyed with the prep time. i feel like i'm always peeling and chopping veggies and doing the dishes. i would like to see the stats about what a portion of my life i've spent doing that. actually, i wouldn't, that would probably be depressing.


it's time to buy kitchen gadgets already.

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  • 2 weeks later...
i bet he is.


mods, can you sanitize this for me please? i know sco and i wanted a troll to just come to us, but not this one. we do have standards.


Exactly. Coa and Soc most def. have standards. Those standards do not include menfolk reaching out from the depths of caverns, all slimey and smelling of pyridine.

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the aggressiveness and anger of the past few weeks are gradually being replaced by responsibility and a demure humility. i love these phases. i will consider myself balanced when this is my default mode.


we are promised a summer storm, and then a few days of rain. it would be appreciated.

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guess who did bestie a favor and got half a baking sheet of lembas bread, err, i mean, tyropita in return, and ate it all. you bet it was me. off to weightlifting because i want it all to go in them future thunderthighs and bubblebutt.


i just realized this thread has basically descended to updates on my tyropita intake. i live for that sh*t.


also, i got a patient into working out. spread the muscle, lol.

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one more thing before i turn in for the night. look what i found.


a hedgehog ( lurv hedgehogs)


and my backup cds. i won't reinstall my windows any time soon, but it's good to know i have them. also found my Office product key, and i think i need that if i want onenote to work offline (although i may be mistaken. i read a comment on microsoft support that said it is now required to upgrade one's home office for offline one note, in which case, nope. i loved OneNote 2013. god i loved it.)

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