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Hello all!


I am on Day 7 of no contact. I saw a few posts floating around her with people basically journaling about their experiences and such.


I figured I would share some of the positive things I am doing/changes I am making, so I can get a good mindset and move on!


As of yesterday, I scheduled my first therapy session, which I am actually pretty excited about, as I think it will be good to talk my problems out.


I started my scuba certification today. I have always wanted to do it, and there is no time like the present!


Feel free to share things you guys are doing to "better yourself" and what not, if you are going through a break-up or difficult time.

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Good job on this! Keep it up!


When I was NC, I actively participated in church activities, made sure I keep myself busy when the "loneliness" attacks (so make sure you find out when you are most vulnerable), constantly called everyone in my family alternately so they don't get tired, zumba, crossword puzzles, cleaning the house, and such.


I think I did great because I only counted months and not years till I was finally healed.

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I like the idea of church activities. I used to like volunteering, but I recently had not had any time to do it; so maybe I can make some time.


I am usually most vulnerable at night or around the holidays. I have been going out on dates and with friends a lot more on some nights, so I am not just sitting in by myself.


I have started having more phone conversations with friends and family, and that has really helped as well. Crossword puzzles and logic games sound fun too me too.


Thanks for the advice. I hope I can start to heal as quickly as you!

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Good job on Day 7, Rose! The scuba certification sounds exciting (and really cool), good luck!


I've joined a couple of classes now too, I'm learning the piano and joined a writing class. I've also joined climbs/ hikes with some friends. I always thought, if I can climb a mountain and not die, I surely can get over this breakup! Mountain climbing requires focus, so I don't have time to dwell on my ex, what-ifs and the could've-beens. And it's always therapeutic spending time with nature.


Also made sure I wasn't calling/messaging friends constantly, so talked to them alternately as well. The rest of my hours are spent reading lots of books; these days, on self-help.

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I actually give piano lessons, as a "side job."


I really enjoy doing it. Good luck to you! I was looking into getting involved with some local writing clubs.


Hiking is very therapeutic, and it is good way to just remove yourself from everything and explore.


I have read two self-help books so far; they definitely help me deal with the pain. Onto Day 8 Now!

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I actually give piano lessons, as a "side job."


Oh hello there! I want to start enjoying it, I really do! But I still find it difficult to 'connect' to it....maybe a few more lessons. I actually play the violin and the viola, but after the BU I don't want to touch them anymore (yet). I couldn't seem to 'connect' to the pieces I'm playing, it just feels like I'm doing drills, even when the piece is a very good song. Have you had anything like that? It's really frustrating. I miss the days when I'd play and I can actually feel the music up to my toes (I'm not sure if I'm making any sense!)


Good luck with Day 9!

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