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We all got hurt more than ever. When we all make it and are ok it will feel amazing.


This is not the first time a breakup like this has hurt this bad. There is something I am not learning about breakups that I need to know. I can think of 4 times in my life when the hurt from a breakup devastated me. In one instance I left her and in the other 3 they left me. It did not matter who left who. It mattered how much of myself I had invested into the relationship that made it so hard for me to separate ME from HER. And each time I said I will never do that again but I am still not sure.. Did I pick the wrong people? Is it wrong to give 110 % to a relationship when you believe the other is doing the same? Am I just bad at relationships? Is it just normal to feel so devastated when a good relationship goes bad. Why do I get so addicted to some people and yet I have had other relationships that were what most people consider "normal" and I found to be rather boring?

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This is not the first time a breakup like this has hurt this bad. There is something I am not learning about breakups that I need to know. I can think of 4 times in my life when the hurt from a breakup devastated me. In one instance I left her and in the other 3 they left me. It did not matter who left who. It mattered how much of myself I had invested into the relationship that made it so hard for me to separate ME from HER. And each time I said I will never do that again but I am still not sure.. Did I pick the wrong people? Is it wrong to give 110 % to a relationship when you believe the other is doing the same? Am I just bad at relationships? Is it just normal to feel so devastated when a good relationship goes bad. Why do I get so addicted to some people and yet I have had other relationships that were what most people consider "normal" and I found to be rather boring?

It is normal to be addicted to someone you love. It's like a drug. Give it time and get through the withdrawals.

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This is not the first time a breakup like this has hurt this bad. There is something I am not learning about breakups that I need to know. I can think of 4 times in my life when the hurt from a breakup devastated me. In one instance I left her and in the other 3 they left me. It did not matter who left who. It mattered how much of myself I had invested into the relationship that made it so hard for me to separate ME from HER. And each time I said I will never do that again but I am still not sure.. Did I pick the wrong people? Is it wrong to give 110 % to a relationship when you believe the other is doing the same? Am I just bad at relationships? Is it just normal to feel so devastated when a good relationship goes bad. Why do I get so addicted to some people and yet I have had other relationships that were what most people consider "normal" and I found to be rather boring?


Oh, thats an easy answer. You are following the same pattern "you are giving too much" you do not give them time to show you that they deserve it. You just give you all so that they feel you are worth it. You are not showing your truth self, you need to show pride, self-respect, love for yourself. You need to be able to live life and love yourself without a partner. That they are only an addition to your greatness. Easy answer, but is a learning process. You need to be able to improve this in your life.

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“Love me or hate me, both are in my favor...If you love me, I'll always be in your heart...If you hate me, I'll always be in your mind.” by William Shakespeare.


The reason why you are not talking to her anymore is because she left you for another personnot only once but twice. So, first time you forgive her because she was back and same will happen if she returns. Shes the drug you are the addicted. This is why Im encouraging you to let all that bad feeling about her on the side, forgive her so that you find peace and focus on the positive things that leaving her behind will bring to your life.


I want you to come here and post the positive things that you are doing for your life or planning to do..Is not bad to talk about here but once you stop and talk about the things you want to do for yourself your perspectives will change.


One day you'll see this message and will understand.Fake it until you make it.


I agree with this post. I said similar sentiments

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I don't think it matters what I said. It doesn't matter because never again in my life am I ever talking to her again. I hate her.


2 plus years and I'm sitting here alone with nobody


People are awful. We live in a messed up world where commitments and promises mean nothing


This really sucks. I wish I could turn my mind off. It's my own worst enemy


We all got hurt more than ever. When we all make it and are ok it will feel amazing.


Andrew, that guy shes with...you owe him a thanks. That dude saved you from a wreck. She is now HIS problem. The parading on Social media is a joke. My ex and his new victim are all over his page. I peaked (I can cause I didn't care but was curious YOU dont do that) and he said how he has a woman that knows the little things matter ..I laughed cause he's full of crap...I did little and great things and he appreciated nothing.. they're fake...in time, she will be singing a different tune and if not, either way good riddance to him.


My point is, YOU. You focus on you and you alone and forget her and her mess. You will be better off. And she will not be the last to hurt you. But you have to change your mind. Like other posters said..do things that make you happy and work on not wallowing in pity. Try this for a week..When you wake up, think of 5 things you appreciate and love in your life. I only know you from these posts and you have a few, you have a budding career, and your mom will be ok. This is a time for you to work on YOURself. Trust me, setbacks will come all the time, this is life. Crap will always happen, sometimes you will feel overwhelmed... but dont lose focus.


This is not the end, but a brand new beginning for you. Trust in the timing of your life.

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Andrew, that guy shes with...you owe him a thanks. That dude saved you from a wreck. She is now HIS problem. The parading on Social media is a joke. My ex and his new victim are all over his page. I peaked (I can cause I didn't care but was curious YOU dont do that) and he said how he has a woman that knows the little things matter ..I laughed cause he's full of crap...I did little and great things and he appreciated nothing.. they're fake...in time, she will be singing a different tune and if not, either way good riddance to him.


My point is, YOU. You focus on you and you alone and forget her and her mess. You will be better off. And she will not be the last to hurt you. But you have to change your mind. Like other posters said..do things that make you happy and work on not wallowing in pity. Try this for a week..When you wake up, think of 5 things you appreciate and love in your life. I only know you from these posts and you have a few, you have a budding career, and your mom will be ok. This is a time for you to work on YOURself. Trust me, setbacks will come all the time, this is life. Crap will always happen, sometimes you will feel overwhelmed... but dont lose focus.


This is not the end, but a brand new beginning for you. Trust in the timing of your life.

Well I did just get a 450$ check in the mail today. And the weather is nice.

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Yeah I'm saving up for more new equipment


That's great!

You could also brainstorm new ideas for your business. Take up a hobby. If you have any spare time and energy, even gym. Just work on bettering yourself. Like I said. Focus on TODAY. How the you today will be better than yesterday. Even if something happens.. work on how you cope and react. You cant change what happened, but how you react and deal with it will be it.

Maybe even read some self help and motivational books. Even maybe some entrepreneur books (as you are a young business guy).

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Ahh, you guys. I'm mad at myself a lot today. Mad I let my feelings get in the way. I was proud of myself just two weeks ago...and in one week, it's all ruined! I went back to my old self. He knows I want him still and all. How do I get rid of this feeling? He's ignored me...he started all of it! I was never going to text him. It's just a game.


I'm back to not wanting to go out or even exercise. It's as if we just broke up...and every time, I have less and less hope we'll get in touch again. I should have listened to everyone on here saying telling me to be careful.

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Ahh, you guys. I'm mad at myself a lot today. Mad I let my feelings get in the way. I was proud of myself just two weeks ago...and in one week, it's all ruined! I went back to my old self. He knows I want him still and all. How do I get rid of this feeling? He's ignored me...he started all of it! I was never going to text him. It's just a game.


I'm back to not wanting to go out or even exercise. It's as if we just broke up...and every time, I have less and less hope we'll get in touch again. I should have listened to everyone on here saying telling me to be careful.

It's ok I've made many mistakes. You're not alone. Just start NC and trust that it's the only way to move on

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Andrew, my ex dumped me for someone else. He didn't "come back".


I don't want you to get false hope. NO ONE on here can guarantee she'll come back. She may or she may not. There's no way for any of us to know that.


And personally, I hope she doesn't. Why be put through all of this again?

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Andrew, my ex dumped me for someone else. He didn't "come back".


I don't want you to get false hope. NO ONE on here can guarantee she'll come back. She may or she many not. There's no way for any of us to know that.


And personally, I hope she doesn't. Why be put through all of this again?

No it makes no difference if she does or doesn't. She's proven just the type of person she is.

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I don't think you should say she definitely will. My ex never came back... I think many don't.


Don't get me wrong. Im not saying this to Andrew so that he feel any hopes to get her back. Getting her back is the easiest part, keeping them is the harder. Im saying she will come back 1) she is with a jerk 2) once he get tired of her she will come to Andrew because she knows that he accept her. Why? Because he did once. Hopefully she dont come back but as how he described the situation and her personality, Theres a highly chance she will.

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Don't get me wrong. Im not saying this to Andrew so that he feel any hopes to get her back. Getting her back is the easiest part, keeping them is the harder. Im saying she will come back 1) she is with a jerk 2) once he get tired of her she will come to Andrew because she knows that he accept her. Why? Because he did once. Hopefully she dont come back but as how he described the situation and her personality, Theres a highly chance she will.

He is a jerk. But that's exactly who she deserves

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