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90 Days No Contact Log

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Keep it up Andrew. It does really get better with time. Thoughts will still be there but it does get easier!

It's true. I haven't even looked at any of her social media or pictures once in the last 26 days. And I had the strongest feeling a few days ago that karma will get her and rightfully so! She needs to learn what it's like to be treated how she treats others. And if she ever contacted me again I wouldn't respond!!

Also I've been talking to this really cute girl and she says she likes talking to me and we're gonna hang out sometime soon

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you are a young lad your whole life in front of you. one day you might come back to this site and say to yourself was that really me, why was i so upset. years ago when i was young i fell in love with a girl who had the looks of a supermodel but the heart of a stone . she broke my heart big time. years later I seen her as part of a TV documentary about prisons, she had got her self a baby to this bloke who turned out to be a big drug dealer and had just got a 15 year sentence . I was amazed to see her on the pictures on the blokes cell wall. I then looked her up out of curiosity months later , she had already found herself a new bloke and jail bloke had been dumped. so he must have felt 100 times worse than any one on the outside going through it, locked up in a cell 23 hours a day unable to do anything but let his mind torment him. you can occupy your mind . this is the trick . stop trying to contact her and forget her mate. you will soon find peace in your heart and then you,ll get another girl. use this as a lesson they are all sent for a reason . to make you a stronger person inside.


by the way that model looking girl looked like a bag of spanners when I checked her face book years later.. she had obviously had half the blokes in the town going through her over the years , now like I told her all them years back she will look back one day and its coming soon for her and wish she had lived as a decent human being .

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Not doing too well atm. Also I think I just hit 90 days.


Honestly? I felt good few weeks ago, I feel like absolute crapola atm.


Think there's just too much history with this chick, that it's hard to get over.

Please keep going you're an inspiration for me and I'm sure everyone else on this thread!

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You hit 90 days. Was that your goal? I initially set a goal of 30 days, now it's 60 and then I'll prob try for 90. I was going to give it time just to let myself and maybe down the road if I felt indifferent about the break up then maybe I would reach out without caring what the response would be. I broke no contact early on. It happens. Don't beat yourself up for it.

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I broke it, I'll let you know how it goes. It probably won't go well.


I have a hard time holding grudges and rather see if things can be civil.


I know you all are disappointed in me, and I'm also disappointed in myself in a way.

But yolo.


People break NC early. I just broke mine only 8 days in. I was disappointed in myself, also, but I doubt anyone here is disappointed in you. I'm not, either. It's hard, but you've just gotta get back on the wagon. Best of luck! You can do this!

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Well, I went from breaking no contact. To then giving my heart and feels.


I'll tell you how terrible it goes.


Honestly I don't know what I'm doing anymore.

But either way this will be a entertaining lesson for you guys. Whether good or bad.

What happened?

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I regret it. Deactivated my social media accounts and will probably change phone number.

Nothing happened, But I already know it's not going to be what I want to hear so just decided to forget it.


Maybe I just needed to say what I felt, idk. Guess I'm back on NC.


Wish love worked like the movies or some . Maybe it's the hopeless romantic in me. But I find it kinda sad on how fragile love is. How easily people can love you one moment, then betray you for another.

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Here's one way to look at this, Shadowbite, and this is what happened to me as well. You've done it, you regret it, and this will likely keep you from reaching out again. It will probably be much easier to maintain NC from this point on. I know how much this sucks, and how tiresome "lessons learned" can be (when can we all graduate and reap the benefits of our lessons, already?!) but watch yourself become stronger from this incident.

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Really struggling today, 11days NC and exactly 3 weeks from wee splitt. Im missing her alot and the life we shared and im really feeling like breaking NC and texting her to tell her i still love her and miss her so much. I want to know if she misses me and if shes had any 2nd thoughts about wanting to end things. Ive blocked her on everything so i dony even know if she has tried to reach out which is also killing me. Im afraid of by me being so distant that its going to just push her away more and forget about me. When does NC get easier.. really feeling withdrawel from what has been my life for the past 4 years.

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Really struggling today, 11days NC and exactly 3 weeks from wee splitt. Im missing her alot and the life we shared and im really feeling like breaking NC and texting her to tell her i still love her and miss her so much. I want to know if she misses me and if shes had any 2nd thoughts about wanting to end things. Ive blocked her on everything so i dony even know if she has tried to reach out which is also killing me. Im afraid of by me being so distant that its going to just push her away more and forget about me. When does NC get easier.. really feeling withdrawel from what has been my life for the past 4 years.

Well you can't look at anything involving her. Keep her blocked and keep busy doing things you enjoy. Don't give up on NC. It's day 27 for me since my heart got destroyed and I am starting to get better because I never looked at her social media. And I gave up all hope of a future for us.

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I don't remember.


Maybe it was just the realization it was over? I have no clue.

Just one moment I felt good and okay with everything.

Next I can't stop thinking, ruminating, and wanting to talk to her.

I feel that every day. I'm gonna get through this though

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