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Please help me with this I want her back


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So there was this girl I dated for a few months. We had the most amazing time, no fights no arguments nothing. It was just perfect. But we were from different religions, so we knew it might not work out. She decided to stop dating but we remained together as friends for longer. We still did all stuff couples do (except sex). And she would tell me everytime she loved me. I was so in love with her I started to work things out on myside to see our religion doesnt become a factor. In this time she started talking to someone else. I asked her 2-3 times and everytime she would say its not serious, she doesnt love him, but he likes her very much. Then one night I proposed to her, saying I will make things happen for us and we can be together after I did all the work in the background to make sure it will. She was instantly happy, we met few times discussing our future and stuff. And then suddenly she started to move away. She started becoming confused. She kept telling me "I dnt know what to do". She didnt want to stop seeing this other guy too and say yes to me either. I started getting hurt, so I kept trying to convince her .. finally she said no and asked me to move on. We work int he same place, and I can see alot of pain in her, and in me too. She still says she loves me but doesnt want to make efforts to get back. She has a daughter, and I love her too. Its just so hard for me to let go of them both. I decided to tell myself move on and tried to. Didnt contact her for a while and she kept texting me and calling to check up. I know she cares alot and loves me ... but then this other guy is also nice to her. I dnt know if he is a rebound or not coz they started talking really soon after we split as a couple. But whenever she had time off or oppurtunity we would meet and do fun stuff ...

Anyways .. last text I did to her was a day ago, at work I didnt talk to her and she said the distance made her feel sad. But I told her she had to make a decision, if she chose him then I have to go away.


But honestly, I want her .. I love her deeply ... I want support and advice to how I can go about to make this work for us. We both know we would be happy together ..

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It sounds like she needed to end things before it got too far because of the religious differences.


Is she scheduled for an arranged marriage/dating to guys from her own religion/culture? Try to avoid ignore her at work being only polite professional. No personal texting and no contact and block her.


Unfortunately, she made her choice and friendzoned you. She should stop stringing you along.

we were from different religions She decided to stop dating but we remained together as friends. She didnt want to stop seeing this other guy too and say yes to me either.
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But she friendzoned you and is dating/sleeping with him now.


He's the same religion/culture? How is your religion culture different and would her parents ever approve of that? When you proposed what did you "change" religion-wise?

I was under the impression she was talking to this guy but was still stuck on me and hence I took the step ..
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