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I just had the most amazing thought. This one goes out to all of you who were being suffocated by their exs who felt like they were living in their exs shadow, for those of us who felt like their ex had ripped apart our self-esteem...I was just talking to a friend of mine and we were laughing over the fact that I was in such a state last night that I was taking plates out of the cuboard and smashing them on the floor...we were laughing because, really. Just now I was putting something in the garbage and rattled the reminants of the broken plates accidentaly, I remembered laughing with my friend thinking about myself alone in my apartment smashing plates and suddenly I felt alive again. Maybe this torment, this pain, this craziness is a wake up. Maybe this is all a big awakening from the cowering, shattered souls we had become from our relationships! I am a passionate being, I have always lived life with that certain (although I had never done it) smashing plates on the floor kind of fire...what happened to that fire? What happened to the girl who traveled around the world by herself and now cries because she's alone in her apartment? what happened to my sense of adventure, my passion for life?? I am partially responsible for the demise of that person but I was also with a 'dream stealer,' but he doesn't have me anymore! Even if I only feel this for tonight and hopefully touch one of your hearts for 1sec we have this and it is part of the new lessons for a new life!!!! Many thanks, remind me of this email when? if? I hit the dump again!!!!!!!

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Good for you, girl! {{{hugs}}}


Traveled around the world by yourself, eh? I've done that as well! And now look at us!!! We're free from these scumbag leeches, free to breathe again and embrace life again and devour them with our succulent vitality.


Plate smashing ... sounds like an absolute blast. Maybe I'll try a bit of that tomorrow.

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Thank you!


Good for you! I wouldn't classify my ex as a "dream stealer" but I must admit I am a little disappointed in myself lately. The spunk was gone from me. I'm feeling it come back... I missed that little devil on my shoulder. Good for you for finding yours tonight.


Thanks for the post, it made me smile in the memory of who I once was and in anticipation of who I will be again.

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