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Broke NC after 1.5 months


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For anyone who hasn't seen my previous posts, I've been apart from my ex for nearly two months now. Our relationship was great, she ended things because she lost feelings for me even though she said I was the perfect guy and that I did everything right. Now I find a picture of her on some guy's Instagram (he's a jerk and she even told me that) and by the nature of the picture and caption, I assume that they're together. I immediately break NC to talk to her, because this is a terrible guy and she knows it. Turns out the weren't dating (thank god). Turns out she was very angry/hurt about me going NC and blocking her on social media. She thought I didn't care about her anymore which she was hurt about because she wanted to keep me in her life, just not in a relationship. It took some arguing and many texts (we had never argued until that point about anything before/during/after our relationship) to finally convince her that I still did care about her. Right now she's busy with travel and school, so she told me that she needs to think about all this for awhile until she's not so busy and then she can go more in depth with this talk. She said we could keep texting, but I denied and told her to text me when she was less busy. I find it strange that she wants to take time to think about this when it's really simple, I'm being friends with her just like she wanted. I'm think that she may be thinking about something more complex, like how our future looks as friends or in a relationship. What do you guys think? I'm totally lost on what she may be thinking about because she kept sending mixed signals.

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Unfortunately it sounds like she keeps friendzoning you. She wants to breakup with you but wants you to still like her?

she was hurt about because she wanted to keep me in her life, just not in a relationship. she told me that she needs to think about all this for awhile until she's not so busy and then she can go more in depth with this talk.
...same girl?
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Dude, just quit it..It's usually the same pattern: "I lost feelings for you, I don't know if I want this anymore, I still love you but I can't be with you" blah blah..Screw this! They're always playing this stupid games, because they don't know what they want. Screw her, leave her alone forever, don't be clingy and don't let her control yourself. You deserve more than this. She once didn't want you in your life and she's now probably just brining back all the good memories and misses you.


Once you find somebody new you'll forget about her completely.

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