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I'm pretty sure she was the one...


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We split 1.5 months ago due to what she called "lost feelings". During the breakup, she did call me a great guy and that any girl in the world would be lucky to have me, she just said she didn't think she was the one for me. I've gone out with a couple of girls after just to explore options and none were anywhere close to working (one was insane). I get it's been a short time since we ended, but there are signs showing that she was the one. I have no idea how she's been doing and how her life is going (haven't texted her in a month), but my life just keeps going downhill (another sign she says it). My plan is to end NC in December and see where talking takes us. She said she still wanted to be good friends, which I believe I'll be able to do for a time, but then I'll just have to tell her how I really feel. Anyways, good idea to start talking in December and see where it takes us? And do y'all think it's a decent idea to send somethin cute at night in the next month like "I've been thinking of you" or something? I wouldn't try to talk to her until December if I did that, it would be more of trying to get her to think, because I know girls like that stuff.

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We split 1.5 months ago due to what she called "lost feelings". During the breakup, she did call me a great guy and that any girl in the world would be lucky to have me, she just said she didn't think she was the one for me. I've gone out with a couple of girls after just to explore options and none were anywhere close to working (one was insane). I get it's been a short time since we ended, but there are signs showing that she was the one. I have no idea how she's been doing and how her life is going (haven't texted her in a month), but my life just keeps going downhill (another sign she says it). My plan is to end NC in December and see where talking takes us. She said she still wanted to be good friends, which I believe I'll be able to do for a time, but then I'll just have to tell her how I really feel. Anyways, good idea to start talking in December and see where it takes us? And do y'all think it's a decent idea to send somethin cute at night in the next month like "I've been thinking of you" or something? I wouldn't try to talk to her until December if I did that, it would be more of trying to get her to think, because I know girls like that stuff.


If you're in a no contact period, you shouldn't be thinking about sending her gifts at night or talking again a few months down the line. That defeats the whole point of no contact - which is to help you move on. If you're drawing up plans like this while you're at it, you won't move on.

If you're sure she's the one, end the no contact now and ask her what your chances are together. If she says there are none, then you know there's no point in planning these things.

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I don't think you should send that text at all. She broke up with you. I think you need to accept that she may never be in your life ever again. When you think like that, then you can start to work on your less desirable qualities and become a happier and better person. IF she contacts you again, then you can assume it's because she misses you and you have the ability to start a brand new (better and more secure) relationship showing her how much you've changed without her in your life

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Unfortunately breaking up with you is not a sign that she's "the one". Even recent dating disappointments don't make her that by pure contrast.


do not reach out to her, since she hasn't reached out to you. It may be too soon to date or you are dating the wrong girls or just having the usual post breakup dating afterthoughts when dating people who just don't fit.


Do not let dating disappointments make a fool of you by trying to run back and send texts like this..

We split 1.5 months ago due to what she called "lost feelings". I've gone out with a couple of girls after just to explore options and none were anywhere close to working (one was insane). there are signs showing that she was the one.
...same girl?
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No. Do not contact her.


She does not have any feelings for you - I also heard the same crap when I was being dumped. Means nothing . You cannot be friends with someone you have feelings for.


You've only been single 1.5 months. What's the rush? Also it is not fair to try another relationship when you are not over the ex.


Move on

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Dude, you only dated two months.


She still says she wants to be friends and told me we could get back together in the future. She still called me a great guy and everything but she felt as if we aren't


By her saying there may be a future, is a total string along, and is quite cruel.

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Yeah, dude, let it go. I've been in 3 "serious" relationships already and everytime I thought "she was the one". One thing ends, another thing starts. And yes, everytime I heard things like "I don't feel this anymore", "I need space". You can't chase girls. They need to chase you.

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