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Tryng to move on from him/her? Try and top THIS one! Lol

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So there I was the other day, settling down to a nice cup of tea and a copy of a certain national newspaper and then all of a sudden beaming out at me from one of the first few pages is my ex boyfriend`s big face!!


Ahhh!! Accompanying an article about voters in the forthcoming (we think) elections. Oh my God!! It was all such guff, him waffling on about income tax and who he might vote for. His quotes were so cheesy and pathetic too.


Just when you think you might be moving on!!!


The worst part though was when he was described as `single`. Seeing that in a national newspaper really sucks I have to say


He knows I read that paper so I can just imagine how smug he would be.


What are the chances eh?! Opening up a paper and then WHAM!!


Lol the worst part is that I was going out on the tiles that night and one of my drunken friends phoned his flat then hung up. Oops!


Then, after that, to my eternal shame, I sent him an awful text message saying that I loved him `like my own flesh` That is pretty embarrassing. Lol in my drunken state I remember thinking that it was really profound though but looking at it now it is just awful.


Well I suppose you have to laugh


Can anyone go on better than that?

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HAHAHA yeah Ilise I sometimes feel that I am actually Bridget Jones!!!!!! (although hopefully thinner with a smaller a*** lol)




Stuff like that always seems to happen to me! Being accused of lesbianism, seeing him in the paper, all in a days work ! lol


I have to say the `own flesh` stuff was pretty embarrassing. I think I also said that I loved him `more than life itself` which is always good...




Although on a more sobering note, no he didn`t reply


Although he probably guessed that I was a teensy bit drunk by the tone of the message (and it being sent at 3 am)


Probably too busy planning his next publicity stunt


Im not sure what position that leaves me in now though?....


Part of me feels like texting him to say `haha gotcha! that was just a joke and it wasn`t actually me who sent it, my phone was,er, stolen by a drunken bum but now its back again.... hope u don`t mind?`


But he probably wouldn`t buy that one 8)

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oh wow - yeah - most of us trying to get over an ex don't have to look at their photo in the national newspaper.... geez.... I'm sorry girl! Oh - it's ok - I think in a few years, you'll be laughing at this... but in the meantime... ouch...


Hang in there!


I briefly dated a guy once who then later appeared on "The Fifth Wheel" - a US dating show - really sleazy show - a guilty pleasure to watch. But, that's the extent of my encounters...

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Fif Angel,


I have to admit I've done the calls and text messages while under the influence…always to regret it the next day. In fact…I've called my ex from Phoenix, Chicago, Detroit, NYC, London, Zurich, Guangzhou while traveling on business…she always answered, I would pour my heart out…sappy things…proposing marriage, etc. and she would say…"Jeff, have you been drinking?"


Well yes it was somewhat embarrassing…and I haven't done it in 5-6 months. So now I hope my silence…my NC (even if she calls) will allow her to realize I am not right here, ready and waiting… (although I really am). I am out and about and enjoying the spring...a time of renewal.


You certainly not alone in your actions…*ponders…what can I do to get in the newspapers?* Stay safe in your journey…


Btw I am a social drinker…I seldom drink alone.

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Oh Fif honey... sigh ... gosh I dont even know how to respond, lol. {{{hugs}}}


Well, if it makes you feel any better, I'm sitting at work right now with tears in my eyes because a friend spotted my ex out last night for St. Patty's, and I didn't get a wink of sleep last night because I couldnt stop thinking about it ... or him ... Now I'm at work doing the same, yes, with tears in my eyes because it feels like someone is punching my gut over and over ...


AND THEN I read your post and .. wow ... The drunken dialing texts made me laugh. I feel better now, thanks!


Ohhhh, we will survive one day, won't we? The things we put ourselves through ...

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Then, after that, to my eternal shame, I sent him an awful text message saying that I loved him `like my own flesh` That is pretty embarrassing. Lol in my drunken state I remember thinking that it was really profound though but looking at it now it is just awful.


send him another text saying "just to clarify, I meant the flesh I am going on a diet to lose"

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Lol DN


Aww Jaela I`m sorry you had a bad night- i hate hearing anything about my ex too, athough I am my own worst enemy in a way, in that I tend to go looking for info about him, then get upset when I find it.


Well. I`m glad it made you laugh anyway


I went to have another look at the paper today and lo! the section where it should have been had been cut out. So off I traipse to find mother.


FIF: Mum, did you cut out that article about D. from the paper?

MUM: Why, did you want it?

FIF: Mum, did you cut it out?

MUM: (smiling, says nothing)

FIF: You did didn`t you?! Have you pinned it to the notice board?

MUM; ( still smiling) No

FIF : Well, as long as you didn`t send it to auntie Rita

MUM (smiling even more broadly)

Fif : Oh god! You did didn`t you! You sent that article to aunty Rita didn`t you?

MUM: I wanted her to see what he looks like

FIF : But that was a terrible picture! He had a double chin and everything!

MUM: Don`t worry, she`s going to send it back after Uncle Paul`s seen it .

FIF: Thats not the point. That picture was not an accurate representation of how he looked for most of the relationship and so relects badly on my taste. If you wanted a picture I could have gotten you a far nicer one.

MUM: He did look like that

FIF : Right (runs off to get nicer picture )


Lol so then I of course found my big D file containing all his pictures and letters and cards which was all very depressing. And now the entire extended family looks set to spectate my humiliation.


I can just imagne them now `oh haha look there`s Fif` ex boyfriend in the paper. Not much of a looker is he?!


It`s really humiliating actually



Anyhoo I went out with my friend last night for a (non-alcoholic) drink. I told her all about my litttle lapse and she was quite anoyed with me for saying that I loved him etc.


`Why are you giving him that satisfaction?` she asked me.


And its true. I have given him the satisfaction of knowing that I`m still here moping after him anytime he fancies it.


I`m really annoyed with myself now. I soo have to change my behaviour.

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