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Ex randomly reached out!

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It has been 8 months since I spoke with my ex. Today I checked the time on my phone, and, lo and behold, there's a text from him.


It was reasonably substantial for a text. He basically said something made him think of me and he was asking how I'm doing, how life is, hope I'm well, etc. Then we briefly chatted and it fizzled out.


I'm proud of myself, though! Getting the text was exciting but only because of the ego boost. I had the traditional dumpee POV that he moved on right away and never thinks about me. But he obviously does, at least a bit, so that's nice. Does that make any sense?


Breadcrumbs or not, I'm indifferent. It just completely took me by surprise. I am not emotional or upset at all - so don't jump down my throat for not blocking him. I'm just posting because I'm surprised. I mean, really, who reaches out after that long?!

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His reasons had been kind of strange at the time. He said we didn't have enough in common and he thought he might be falling out of love with me. He had seemed wishy washy at the time, but I mostly chalked it up to his passive agressiveness. He doesn't like confrontation much. We had been fighting more leading up to the BU, and it was mostly because we didn't speak each other's love languages (I think).


I am not in a relationship. I am more at the point of missing the good times we had together than missing HIM specifically. I think the feelings could come back if he were to make a push for reconciliation, but if we don't reconcile I won't be bothered.

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