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I just remarried 2 years ago and was married for 18 years before this wife and my ex left me for another married man. My wife now was married for 15 years and she left him because he got 3 other women pregnant while married and she caught him in bed with her best Freind. We dated and lived together for 4 years before we married and after that is when all the crap started. Anytime a women walks by and I glance at her so I don't run into her my wife gets irate accusations that I flirted with her. She accused me of flirting with her sisters, her daughter. It's just nuts. I did sit down with her daughter and I told her I would never do that to you and she admited she knows I wouldn't. Long story short. Her sister asked me and the wife to go to Mexico for her birthday. I sent her sister a text explaining I would love to go but I know my wife will get jealous and cause a seen and embarrass me. So I told my wife you go. She become very hostile and violent. Scratched my face up so I said I will go if you promise not to cause a seen. She promised and 10 minutes after I was there she accused me of looking at some married woman that's not even good looking. There was a bunch of married couples sharing the timeshare condo. So the whole trip I put blinders on and avoided that woman at all costs. This was 2 months ago and my wife insists I looked at her and raised my eyebrow which she says is flirting. I know I didn't do it but she insists I did it and she's angrily fighting with me and getting violent. Hitting me. Throwing things. We went to counclrrs and they told her she needs to let it go or you will end up divorced. She's calling me at work a accuses me I'm secretly emailing my ex wife. If I'm one minute late coming home she insists I was having sex with someone. I just don't know what to do. I know I can't take it no more. It's every single day she is screaming at me accused of something I'm not doing. Should I just leave her?

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Scratched my face
Nope, nope, nope, and nope. I remember a recent thread where one or a couple posters said "there's no reason for a man to put his hands on a woman as they're smaller and weaker." Friend of mine way back in the day became legally blind in an eye after his smaller and weaker girlfriend gouged his eye with her nail. Sorry, but if you attack my face with your nails, you get restrained and once you're worn out from flailing, I get out.


Not only is she physically abusive, but she jeopardizes your career by calling your work with the drama.


Leave her and get counseling for your co-dependency.

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Time to switch over to The Rolling Stones, Beatlelover cause you Can't Get No Satisfaction.


You have a terrible picker of women and not only that, once you realize the mistake you've made by marrying them, you don't know enough to end it when it's obviously not healthy or fun to be where you are.


Do see someone who knows about codependency and Like Ono and John, get out of the group, man.

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Hey, thatwasthen. I love the Rollingstones too. I get a lot of satisfaction when I play their tunes. But dude I love the Beatles too. I'm a musician and I think Paul McCartney is one talented person. I could go on and on about good bands but I should stick with the thread. Yep it's been one messed up marriage I have. I'm thinking tomorrow to just get out

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok. My wife and I went to a Marrage therapist. The therapist is an older black lady and on the ball. She heard our story's and she told my wife she is abussive. My wife started kicking her feet and giving me dirty looks. The therapist said don't you look at your husband that way. Do you treat your best Freind like that. That's your husband and you should treat him better then anyone in this world. After our meeting my wife was nice for about 2 weeks. Then it started again. Everyday screaming and yelling and accusing me of things I'm not doing. But worse she is getting violent. Hitting me throwing things at me. I decided to leave and while I'm leaving she's throwing all my clothes out in the front yard screaming I want a divorce and get the f-ck out of my house. Her daughter had to come out and stop her. Now she's texting me that I abandon her and it's all my fault. I'm living in motels and I don't want to go home anymore. I can't deal with this. Am I wrong for leaving?

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No you're not. Your wife needs help for her irrational thoughts. Whilst I get where she's coming from to a point, her past is not an excuse to treat you so diabolically. You've done all you can to pacify this woman and now it's up to her to sort herself out. Sorry, but you need to step away from this toxic relationship and find some happiness.... life is too short to be miserable. Your wife needs to realise that too. Hugs X

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