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Want ex back


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I broke off with my gf about 6 weeks ago, and I desperately want her back, we had a big argument and ended up in us going separate ways. We didn't speak for 3 weeks straight and it was then I realised iv lost and amazing girl. I'm still very much in love with her, and want her back. Thing is she's at a festival in America miles away and I have absolutely no way of contacting her, vice versa, as there is no wifi or Internet connectivity. She's back next Wednesday, so only a week away , but im really struggling as all I can think of is her getting with someone else, it's driving me nuts!!! Iv even convinced myself she will fall in love in America with someone in the short time she's there.


I managed to meet her a couple of times before she left and basically told her I still love her and want her back in my life. She even told me she still loves me. She's said she just doesn't know and needs some space n think and I do aswell. Thing it's it just feels so natural When I'm with her, we're meant to be i just know it!! I look at my future and see her...


As I have some anxiety and ocd issues my mind is just running on overtime, as I'm constantly bombarded with thoughts about her and what she's up to. Obviously as I have no contact with her pretty much until next Tuesday at the earlist, its driving me nuts as I don't no how she is doing or if she safe and well.


How do u suggest I battle through this week and next until she's home. Not saying she will want me back, but I need some advice on how to just move forward in this next week.


I guess me not being able to contact her at all helps to and extent, as it means I won't be pestering her as I can't. And wont have a clue what shes doing. Do you think she's missing me at all? We were together a year and a half and she was very much in love with me.


Sorry to ramble, iv made other post regarding this matter but I'm struggling and need to vent my feelings.



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She's probably doing what she mentioned that she needs 'space and think'. All you can do is wait for her to come back and contact you, right?

She's back next Wednesday, so only a week away.She's said she just doesn't know and needs some space n think and I do as well.
same girl?
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Jealousy creates the very outcomes it most fears. You can torture yourself with images of her and other guys, or you can picture her missing you as much as you miss her. Who knows which story is actually true? It may be neither. But thinking about her being with other guys won't do your OCD or anxiety any favors.

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JDanger, I went through your old threads. I think you should just leave this girl alone. You can't hold onto the hope that she wants you back because she said she still loves you. Of course she does! You don't just stop loving someone, it happens over time. That doesn't mean she wants to be with you though, and the signs are pointing toward the possibility that she doesn't. You seem very high strung about this and it almost sounds stalkery, you said you don't like that she's away because you can't pester her. Especially stalkery that it makes you this uncomfortable that you can't know what she is doing and that you can't pester her even though you've been broken up for 6 weeks now. Have you still sent texts/emails that she'll see when she returns? Have you talked to her and made plans to meet with her when she returns? (before she left, of course) Wonder what her thoughts are about this whole thing. Frankly, you dumped her and it looks like she's trying to move on.

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I deffinetly am not stalkery and haven't been pestering her I was just using it for what I was trying to say, I have seen her twice before she went and she let me buy tickets to see a show when she's back which she was happy about. So I believe I still have a chance if she's willing to let me do that for us, I know she still has feelings for me. I will have to wait till she's back to see what the situations going to be. But yes like you said all I can do is wait for her to come home and contact me, I'm hoping shes missing me as much as I'm missing her.

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