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I'm 26 years old, don't have a boyfriend and feel like its too late to get one?


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Well I Have high functioning Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and still live at Home and haven't found a boyfriend yet but the thing is I think its too late to because when I was younger like around the age of 18-22 I thought I would get a one, especially one alot older than me so he could treat me like a princess but feel like if I have be come too old for that, I am 26, turning 27 next march (2017) and feel like I have missed the window gap of opportunity and this is making me feel really sad, please help?

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I totally relate. Out of my friends, I was the last to have my first kiss, to date, and men rarely seemed interested in me. I've only had one serious relationship and it was with a man who was very unkind and I only dated him because he was the first person to express an interest in me. Even now, all of my friends are married and having kids (we're all in our early 20's), and I feel completely left out. I also totally worry that I've missed my opportunity, but I know in my head that's just my pessimism talking. Plenty of people don't find good relationships until a little later in their lives. You're not too old to start dating, you just haven't found the right person yet. Keep being optimistic, keep looking, and when the timing is right you will find the perfect person for you!

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I may be wrong, but OP may be talking more of behavior and less of money.


She may have experienced a lot of immaturity with men around her age (not understanding/accepting her ASD and the potential relationship challenges that come with it) and may have seen older men treat women better.

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Older men do not necessarily treat women better, in fact I would be concerned about them taking advantage.

OP have you ever joined a support group for your issues? Finding someone who deals with the same issues seems to be more of a better road as you will both understand one another a lot better.

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It takes a lot for me to sign in these days , but how horrible ..what a horrible thing to say to someone who has no experience and is struggling . I haven't worked now for 4 and half years and probably never will again . I still want someone to treat me like a princess ..to love and care for me , to stand by me . Am I not worthy either !


Respecting and loving another human being doesn't have ground rules and work time limits .


Op it is never too late , don't give up on your dreams , in my eyes you are still a very young women with years ahead of you ..don't give up x

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It is not too late for a relationship, 26 going on 27 is still prime for relationships. These days due to trends and social behavior it really is never "too late" to seek out and find relationships that have fulfillment. If it is kids you want in your life best to do it by mid 30's but even now with fertility drugs and technology it is possible to have that even later in life. Do not let age deter you from a seeking out and finding a relationship that may truly make you happy. Good luck

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