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Never had a gf i REALLY NEED one but i am TO UGLY and to SHY

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Hey,I think I can relate to you very well.Im 16 and I had & have the same problem.Im trying to get another GF.I have only had one in the past.Anyways,Im guessing your in High School(like me) and you don't want to get rejected because everyone will talk and look down on you.The key is getting to know a certain girl,than ask her out anywhere you want.(i did the movies).If she rejects you,then just act like it never happened and continue on with what you where doing.Now this might sound weird but you want Girls to talk,when you get rejected.That way some girl might be interested in going out.

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Blah I know exactly how you felt. I went through that exact same stage and in fact i'm still extremely shy to this day and I don't have a lot of friends. First of all don't kill yourself having a g/f just because everyone else does and to make you feel better are all the wrong reasons. Some people just take more time than others. Get involved in other things anything to preoccupy your mind. Eventually hopefully you work on making some friends maybe some female friends and just take your time. Also if you cosntantly have negative opinions of yourself people are going to notice that. It's not that they don't like you or think your ugly it's just that you are doubting yourself and your too busy assuming. So maybe a few girls didn't say yes and maybe your too afraid of rejection. That's perfectly normal in life. Trying to find a girlfriend to fulfill happiness will not make you happy. Love just sort of comes I guess and it's when you care about somone else. BTW your not ugly your quite cute.

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  • 1 month later...

I would just like to say to you. "You are not ugly." You need to go in front of the mirror, take a GOOD HARD LOOK at yourself and say aloud, "I am beautiful." If you can manage to get those words out and truly mean it, then your whole slef perception will change.


I was once in the same place, feeling ugly, because I let others make that horrible judgment. The biggest mistake I made was listen to them. Even today, when people tell me how cute I am or whatever, I don't listen, I listen to myself. I know I'm beautiful and that's the only opinion that matters to me.


After to change your personal perception, your whole attitude will change. This will become evident with the way you carry-on and speak to others: with a certain confidence. Believe me, confidence is more sexy than looks! So keep that head high and you will fine. Just remember, you are beautiful.

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  • 1 month later...

What is ugly, and who is ugly??

It's just a statement of other people, and most of them, who say such things, are the ones who are uncertain of themselves.

I know that by fact. I was in such a phase in live to. My whole world evolved around the fact that most peolple found me in-atractive. But now, when I look back, I think I'm better of then they are. I have nice friends (and lots of them) and the persons who are in my life accept me the way I am. And the others....??!! I just don't care anymore.

So you to need to turn yourself around, look up some friends or start a friendship. I presume you go to school, do sport, etc. Isn't there anybody you could have a friendship with? Every relationship starts with friendship. Friendship is the way to get to know people. And through those people you'll meet other people. And maybe, just maybe, you'll find a nice girl.

Don't give you hopes up. Life has much more to offer then a relationship.

Take my word for it. A relationship is sometimes more difficult then you'll ever think of!! Eventually you'll find somebody.

Andpleas keep in mind: Apperances are not always what they seem, and they can be very diceptive!!

Your young, enjoy your life a littlebit more. You'll see. There comes a moment in which a nice gril will notice you, and off you''ll go!!

Best Wishes!!

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  • 2 months later...

I disagree with auriqua on the first point. Our society demands that every guy/girl find their mate or they are considered failure. Humans are social beings and social acceptance is an essential for survival. It is the same as getting an education or finding a job. It is easy to say 'you dont need a gf/bf' than to actually practice it.

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Well to start off, I can't see your picture. Damn Hyper Link.


ANyway, looks aren't everything. Tough looks play a role in getting GF's, that only applies if your trying to go out with some shallow prep. Also, girls usualy don't ask out girls, you usually have to ask them out. Sucks, doughnut? However, there are all kinds of things you can do to get a GF.


The most important one is to be yourself. Go up to a girl and say something witty and charming, like "I think I forgot my homework." I dunno, thats what I do.


Next go out more and mingle. Go to local school dances and dance. Dance natureally, don't copy other people. that works for me too.


If, for some reason, your not funny or hate dancing and your totally bumbed by your looks, just work out and get masculent and stuff. Though it be shallow, if thats what you gotta do to become more confident then just do it. Remember, girls don't just come to you, you have to come to them. Hope that helps.

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I wouldn't worry too much about what other people think, it's easier said then done..i know. But what you are probably not understanding is that all this is made up in your head! Just because you may get turned down by a woman doesn't mean she turned you down because of your looks! Maybe she was just having a bad day? Maybe she's just not looking at the moment? Maybe you just caught her off guard? I know a few good looking guys, and I see more in the bars, that strike out with women. Why? Because they are lacking something else. So the bottom line, "it's not the tools, it's how you use them!"


Take a look at how women react to Austin Powers. Almost every woman I know gets some level of excitement from hearing the characters voice, his attitude, his confidence. I'm talking about "real" women here, not how the actresses react! Now i'm not saying to go out and be Austin Powers, but it's an interesting phenomenon.


Are women going to screen you out because of looks? Of course, that's nature. Some women like black guys, some like tall guys, some like blondes, etc...But I think you will find success and happiness if you work on the other things...things that cause "attraction" in a womens minds. If you think of approaching women as the same type of challenge as first jumping off a diving board in a swimming pool, you'll find success...just an obstacle!

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