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I have been friends with my "so-called" best friend for 15 yrs now and thingss have drastically changed since the last 2years.We hardly talk at all...and when we do its always short and to the point. She is enaged to be married and has changed with me completely. I dont even feel comfortable telling her anything about my ex b/c her advice is always..."u shouldnt be dealing with that" "what an a##hole" and the names go on...she does give advice that I should be taking...BUT sincce she's in her "happy go lucky "life I feel as if she doesnt want to be bothered. Just b/c she never went through the "drama" she WILL NEVER undeerstand where im coming from...but at first i felt comforatble but now I kind of hate her for dismissing our friendship the way she has....it bothers me dont get me wrong...We have engaged in conversations in regard to us but It just never changed. She is my daughters godmother and i feel that is the only thing that is keeping us together (meaning in contact) b/c if it wasn't for my lil girl I would choose to dismiss her....Any advice?

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hey esboogie143,


I'm also going through friends as well! I think that as people get older then their priorities change. Friends that I had around 5/6 years ago aren't there as much now since they have other commitments.


What I would do is try and build up some new friends as well. The best way I have found is through a sports club (soccer for me!) but a club could be anything that you like. You say you have daughter, how about a mothers/toddlers club? or alternatively a hobby club that you would enjoy.


What your friend will have to remember is that her life is happy go luck at the moment, but who knows what the future holds. True friends will always be there, within reason of course.


hope it helps

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I think you are on a different page in your life. Honestly, I find that I have very little in common with my married friends and so I don't visit them often. I am much more comfortable with my single/divorced friends because we are essentially on the same page.


Find friends with common interests and spend time with those. Your friend will understand as, I imagine, she is probably not very patient with you.

...but don't let go of the friendship because a happily married woman can give you great advice ...or tell you if a man is wrong for you. If they are happily married.. then they did something right....right?

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