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Any way possibly pregnant?

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how do you know if there was preejaculation? doesn't it just always happen?? now im getting nervouse becuase my period is in a while, so what do i do, just wait it out for 3 weeks? My boyfriend said i was stupid for worrying about it considering it was literally for all of 6 seconds and it was just near my clitorus, not my vagina. But i do know that precum can cause pregnancy, but how likely is it that I could have become pregnant when there was no intercourse or ejaculation??

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Preejaculate is released as a form of lubrication when the penis is insurted in the vagina. its unlikely that you are pregnant. However if you want to be for certain then as long as it has been within 72 hours of the "incident" then take the morning after pill.

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Exactly. Is there a chance that you could be pregnant? Of course. however it is very slim!!


I wouldnt worry about it at all. If you miss your next period, then take a pregnancy test and go from there!!



Good Luck!


PS-dont stress about it- stress can cause late periods and then you'll be even more worried!!

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stressing about it is going to cause you to be late for your period and cause you more worrying. just relax, chances are EXTREMEMLY SLIM, especially considering that you probably had just finsihed your period when this happened. meaning chances are you weren't ovulating yet or were close to ovulating. chill out!

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thank you all so much! i feel alot better now. I did this because I told my boyfriend it was the closest i would go to full out sex, but i realize now that its just too close to the actual thing, and i shouldnt play around with this type of thing until im ready for the commitments that come along with it. Thanks

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Well, just for safety that might be a wise plan. Call your doctor asap, the morning after pill needs to be taken at max 72 hours after the last unprotected sexual contact.


However, the chance is very slim, since he didn't touch the vagina. But then again, you never know.


You might consider taking the pill, once you are ready for the commitment. You sound like a responsible girl. Just be careful with these things when you do start out having full intercourse, I know how completely obsessed you can get when you fear a pregnancy. Try to avoid the fear by using condom no matter what kind of sexual contact (oral and unprotected still has a risk of STD's), and eventually the pill to eliminate the small odds left by the use of condoms when you have real sex.




Keep us posted,



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