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ok guys this is a question for you which type of girl do you typically prefer?

1. very girly

2. athletic and semi girly

3. tomboy

4. punk

5. prep

6. smart

7. bratty

8. loud

9. mature

10. etc

anything you can say would REALLY help


2 or 3 plus 6 and 9

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1/2/7/9 combined together


Bratty and mature?


haha. XD


What do people mean by athletic, though? Someone who is like, in a soccer team out of school or something, or some little champion runner, or just happy to play a game with a bunch of friends or something?

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ok guys this is a question for you which type of girl do you typically prefer?

1. very girly

2. athletic and semi girly

3. tomboy

4. punk

5. prep

6. smart

7. bratty

8. loud

9. mature

10. etc

anything you can say would REALLY help


I don't like tomboys or bratty girls. #2/6 are probably the best. I hate loud girls... like the Girls Gone Wild girls always screaming "Wooooo" i'm like shut up please.

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personally, i find this thread quite hilarious, cuz i dont think u will ever find any girl that will fit the exact definition of preppy or bratty or watever. every single one is different, and every one has their pros and cons. to classify em would be kinda like dehumanizin em.

My type doesnt fall into those categories, oddly enough, my type is someone whom i can talk to all the time, someone mature at times and yet fun to hang out with. theres really a lot to say here but i jus wanted to point out that classifying women really doesnt work.


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boredguy, i agree that lables shouldnt classify people but lets be honest in our society they do whetther we like it or not and to argue it is a waste of energy because there are always going to be lables. dont take this personally i agree with you i just wanted to voice my oppinions on lables


hangingtengal2748, just curious but why did you want to know guys prefferences?

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1. very girly

2. athletic and semi girly

3. tomboy

4. punk

5. prep

6. smart

7. bratty

8. loud

9. mature

10. etc


I agree with not pidgeonholing people into any one specific group. That said, if you want to know what qualities i look for, i like a 2/6/9 combination. But what exactly do you mean etc. girl? Just any random trait not covered in items 1-9? Thats pretty broad.

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I don't think you can really classify girls into types, or guys for that matter. At some point in time most people will exhibit most or all of those qualities. People are complex creatures with lots of sides to their personality. Just appreciate the person for who they are and whatever side is showing at the moment.


Having said that, I think smart, mature, caring, sweet, sensitive, and generous are very attractive qualities. And I have to wonder how bratty would be attractive .

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ok guys this is a question for you which type of girl do you typically prefer?

1. very girly


--Yes!!!!!! Its important that she is "feminine"

2. athletic and semi girly

--Strong girls are cool too!!!!!

3. tomboy

--Not really

4. punk

--There are some very feminine punk girls. I like them.

5. prep

--Not if they are arrogant and rude

6. smart

--I like smart girls, but some guys feel intimidated by them.

7. bratty

-Absolutely not

8. loud

--I like girls who talk a lot and who are energetic, but not one who just yap and say meaningless things (there are too many guys like that also)

9. mature

--DEFINITELY!!! The girl has to be mature.

10. etc

anything you can say would REALLY help

--Be yourself!!!!!!!! Don't try to radically change your life to please someone. People who try to please everyone end up pleasing no one.

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2, 6, 9, Now just how do you find them in that combination? Usually I find 2 and 9 together but not 6 as far as knowing stuff to conversate about like cars. But I guess thats what the guy friends are for..


My 100th post!

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2, 6, and 9 seem to be the popular chocies. Really that makes sense. How many people would want to go out with someone immature? I didn't think so. Being smart is also important since you need to be able to converse with the person if things are ever going to go anywhere. But don't forget that people can be intelligent in a wide variety of subjects, so don't think someone isn't smart just because they don't know a certain topic. Those are the most important as they relate to substance whereas the others were more style. As far as style goes, atheletic and semi girly wins out because it is a combination, not to much in either way which appeals to more ground.

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