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How to get into a relationship with a shy girl?


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Basically, there's this girl that goes to the same college as me and I'm attracted to her. We're both 16 and I find her so great. However, she is much more reserved than most girls. I've picked up hints that she may like me, from what I know of shy girls such as fidgeting, eye contact, laughing at things I say and tone of voice. We've talked on Facebook for 2 months now, and she's broken up with her boyfriend. I've given it time, but I'm still not sure. She seems to really like me, complimenting me and everything, but I want to know if she wants to be more than friends.


I've arranged a day to "hang out", where we get more comfortable socially, but I have told her that there's no pressure for this and that I'm just trying to get to know her better.


How should I approach this?

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This is a good start to test the waters, then take it from there.

I've arranged a day to "hang out", where we get more comfortable socially, but I have told her that there's no pressure for this and that I'm just trying to get to know her better.
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I think your doing just fine. You goal needs to be to keep it easy going and fun! Find out as much about her prior to you going out ( likes/dislikes, checking out her Facebook page, etc.) use this to your advantage. Plan out conversations and practice talking to her. Be confident and be a gentleman. Dress sharp and make sure you shower!

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Thanks for the assurance people! I've noticed that you all seem to think hanging out would work.


It's tough to know at the moment if she does like me, because she doesn't always talk to me because she's nervous, and more comfortable around her good friends. When we do talk, she smiles and laughs but struggles to create conversation, because she's socially awkward.

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