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What do women look for in men?

kevin thomas

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For me personally - someone interesting, who has a lot of character and individuality. Someone a bit quirky and eccentric. Good sense of humour is very important. Someone creative. I've fallen for guys who were actors, musicians, artists and writers before. Someone who shares at least some of my interests, e.g. going to cultural events, the arts, theatre, music concerts, being out in nature, writing and literature. Someone with similar values. Someone who loves animals. Must be not shallow (e.g. doesn't criticise people for their looks/body size) and non-judgemental, non-prejudiced, not racist or sexist. Someone kind and generous. Open-minded and willing to try new things in bed/at least moderate intensity sex drive lol Someone who wants to settle down and have kids. Not too shy and introverted. Has at least some education and a decent career and at least some ambition. Looks come last and I don't care much about body size, but I have to be attracted to their face. Takes pride in their appearance. And if they wore nice men's perfume and loved horror movies like me, that would be a definite bonus! Lol

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For me personally - someone interesting, who has a lot of character and individuality. Someone a bit quirky and eccentric. Good sense of humour is very important. Someone creative. I've fallen for guys who were actors, musicians, artists and writers before. Someone who shares at least some of my interests, e.g. going to cultural events, the arts, theatre, music concerts, being out in nature, writing and literature. Someone with similar values. Someone who loves animals. Must be not shallow (e.g. doesn't criticise people for their looks/body size) and non-judgemental, non-prejudiced, not racist or sexist. Someone kind and generous. Open-minded and willing to try new things in bed/at least moderate intensity sex drive lol Someone who wants to settle down and have kids. Not too shy and introverted. Has at least some education and a decent career and at least some ambition. Looks come last and I don't care much about body size, but I have to be attracted to their face. Takes pride in their appearance. And if they wore nice men's perfume and loved horror movies like me, that would be a definite bonus! Lol


Hmm... I guess I thought women just care about height!

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Honestly, I used to be incredibly shallow and wanted everyone I dated to have it all together. But nowadays, I think I value honesty and loyalty above everything else. Apart from that, I have to be physically attracted to the person, and they have to be financially stable and with ambitions to a career given that I am a career person. They also have to know how to cheer me up/be funny and affectionate. I can't put up with emotionally unavailable men anymore, it all falls apart within weeks.

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Money, assets, that sort of stuff. Things they can try and take off you. Certainly a few I've met have been like this.


You can't be serious! Very offensive comment! And just pigeonholing all women! Have a look at my post, I said nothing about money or assets. You make all women sound like gold diggers, which they're not. And you would have no idea what women look for, since you are a man. Sure, women probably don't want someone who just works at McDonald's and lives with their parents. It's called wanting an independent guy, not "money and assets".

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