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Its been 4 months now...I'm just not able to heal at all. She's carrying my child, she should be 30 weeks now, we run into each other about once or twice a week at the school where our kids go. I don't like having things said to me about the situation from people at the school, but sometimes they'll comment...usually say something along the lines of...yep, she played you.


If she played me she put on the best act anyone could ever do. Things were wonderful, we were both happy. We were both happy with the pregnancy at first, then she just changed almost overnight it seemed.


I'd have been able to get over this if she wasn't pregnant. Even though I was so happy while we were together.


Sorry ENA, just having a rough morning, usually have rough days and keep to myself, but today just wanted to get it out.


Friends at work have told me not to contact her....that she needs to act like an adult, act like she is carrying my child, have told me that I didn't do anything wrong. I apologized to my ex a few weeks after for anything I could even remotely think of, told her she didn't have to do any of this alone....she let me know then she knew exactly what needed doing and was fine taking a step back from me. I've sent her some things through the mail to help her, I've paid money to the doctor, I've kept my distance because I don't want to cause any stress while the baby is developing.


I want to ask her to lunch, we used to go once a week....all I hear from people that know the situation is to forget her.


Anyway, think I'm done typing, back to work.

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Sorry for your sad day... i have them too Loss is never easy.


Do your best to just sit back and respect her wishes.

Don't over crowd her, don't harass her, etc.


From here on in, I guess the only thing you guys need to do is work out YOUR access to baby...


Other than that, yes, it is done.. right?


It all takes time... but remember to take care of you too.


Life is an 'experience' and sadly we sometimes get thrown some hard balls. Not always so easy.. I know.

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