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Fiance left me; my (long) breakup story; could really use some help


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Ms. Darcy, this struck a chord with me. Thank you.


Now that I'm home, and missing my ex, I feel like I lost so much. I'm trying to keep in mind that those feelings of homesickness were real and they were valid, even though I'm not feeling them now.

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Realitynut: (sorry I don't know how to "tag" people in replies, can anyone help me with that?)... just want to thank you for sharing your experience with me and I'm sorry you are also going through a hard time. It says a lot about you, and other people on here, that they are experiencing pain and hurt, and yet they are reaching out to help other people! And those who have learned from their experiences and come back to help those of us going through it right now. It is an amazing community!


And yes... "shrugging" drives me nuts!!

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And yes... "shrugging" drives me nuts!!


I still don't know how to do multiple quotes!


First click on "reply with quote" on the bottom right.


Then the section that opens up....you delete what you don't want between the

....or you can just click on Reply with Quote...and it quotes everything the person had posted.


Most people don't want to do that with what I post!!!!


Hugs....and hope your healing is fast....and next year you will be enjoying life again!

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I hope you are feeling a little better Parrot. With breakup which got me here couple of years back, I felt beside myself for 4 months. Like you, I gad major probs eating and sleeping.he reappeared on the scene 10 months later. I didn't want him back by then. Like you, I could not understand why this man who told me how much he loved me, blah, blah, blah, could turn so cold and uncaring.

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It's irrelevant that he loved you, asked you to marry him.

As I said, I have been there.

What you need to process is that now he doesn't love you and doesn't want to marry you. That's the fact you need to deal with, not dwell on what he said when really all he did was ask someone he didn't know to marry him.

When he realised incompatibility, he had the maturity and sense to walk.

It's not personal. So don't take it personally.

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You lost potential, not reality. The reality was a guy living with his mother and his family making all the decisions. Now that this is behind you, you can enjoy your environment, family, friends again and find a man who thinks for himself and thus will be a real partner to you.

Now that I'm home, and missing my ex, I feel like I lost so much. I'm trying to keep in mind that those feelings of homesickness were real and they were valid, even though I'm not feeling them now.
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